Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cat Evolution
The felids are a rapidly evolving family of mammals that share a common ancestor only 10–15 million years ago,[26] and include, in addition to the domestic cat, lions, tigers, cougars, and many others. Within this family, domestic cats (Felis catus) are part of the genus Felis, which is a group of small cats containing approximately seven species (depending upon classification scheme). [1][27] Members of the genus are found worldwide and include the jungle cat (Felis chaus) of southeast Asia, European wildcat (F. silvestris silvestris), African wildcat (F. s. lybica), the Chinese mountain cat (F. bieti), and the Arabian sand cat (F. argarita), among others. [28] All the cats in this genus share a common ancestor that probably lived around 6–7 million years ago in Asia. [29] The exact relationships within the Felidae are close but still uncertain,[30][31] e. g. the Chinese mountain cat is sometimes classified (under the name Felis silvestris bieti) as a subspecies of the wildcat, like an African variety F. S. lybica. [4][30] As domestic cats are little altered from wildcats, they can readily interbreed. This hybridization poses a danger to the genetic distinctiveness of wildcat populations, particularly in Scotland and Hungary, and possibly also the Iberian Peninsula. 32] The domestic cat was first classified as Felis catus by Carolus Linnaeus in the tenth edition of his Systema Naturae in 1758. [1][3] However, because of modern phylogenetics, domestic cats are now usually regarded as another subspecies of the wildcat, Felis silvestris. [1][4][33] This has resulted in mixed usage of the terms, as the domestic cat can be called by its subspecies name, Felis silvestris catus. [1][4][33] Wildcats have also been referred to as various subspecies of F. catus,[33] but in 2003 the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature fixed the name for wildcats as F. ilvestris. [34] The most common name in use for the domestic cat remains F. catus, followin g a convention for domesticated animals of using the earliest (the senior) synonym proposed. [34] Sometimes the domestic cat has been called Felis domesticus[35] or Felis domestica,[1] as proposed by German naturalist J. C. P. Erxleben in 1777, but these are not valid taxonomic names and have only rarely been used in scientific literature,[36] because Linnaeus's binomial takes precedence. [37] Cats have either a mutualistic or commensal relationship with humans.However, in comparison to dogs, cats have not undergone major changes during the domestication process, as the form and behavior of the domestic cat are not radically different from those of wildcats, and domestic cats are perfectly capable of surviving in the wild. [38][39] This limited evolution during domestication means that domestic cats tend to interbreed freely with wild relatives,[32] which distinguishes them from other domesticated animals. [citation needed] Fully domesticated house cats also often interbreed with fe ral F. atus populations. [25] However, several natural behaviors and characteristics of wildcats may have pre-adapted them for domestication as pets. [39] These traits include their small size, social nature, obvious body language, love of play, and relatively high intelligence;[40]:12–17 they may also have an inborn tendency towards tameness. [39] There are two main theories about how cats were domesticated. In one, people deliberately tamed cats in a process of artificial selection, as they were useful predators of vermin. 41] However, this has been criticized as implausible, because there may have been little reward for such an effort: Cats generally do not carry out commands and, although they do eat rodents, other species such as ferrets or terriers may be better at controlling these pests. [4] The alternative idea is that cats were simply tolerated by people and gradually diverged from their wild relatives through natural selection, as they adapted to hunting the vermin found around humans in towns and villages. [4]
Friday, August 30, 2019
Intellectual Property Rights and software Essay
Moral theories such as utilitarianism are used to defend Intellectual Property Rights of software produced by companies such as the Microsoft. It is important to differentiate between physical property rights and intellectual property rights. The government needs to analyse pros and cons of protecting rights of companies such as the Microsoft. Intellectual Property Rights or IPR is generally defended based on the assumption that they are similar to physical property rights. The ethical argument is that legal experts have upheld the need to protect property rights of individuals. Consequently, due to such rights individuals are able to protect their ownership rights, as they are allowed to approach court of law when their property is encroached. It is not possible to accept this argument in the context of intellectual property. This is due to basic differences that persist between physical property and intellectual property. Physical property allows purchaser to use property and alienate or dispose property at the later period. (Lea 2006) Software patent rights gives the right to use, but does not allow the user to either modify or alienate. This is because software can be produced in large quantities with the assistance of modern technology. Property, on the other hand, cannot be produced in large quantities. Reproduction and duplication of software can affect profitability of a company like Microsoft or author of the program. (Lea 2006) IPR in the context of software cannot be justified on two counts. First, it cannot be compared with physical property. There is no moral justification to protect rights of the creator of software. It is true that it is important to protect rights of individuals who author a computer program. But, at the same time, it is important to protect rights of consumers as well. Based on this reasoning, Wright brothers were not able to patent Airplane. Patents can sometimes discourage creativity. Consequently, modern scientists were able to produce airplane designs and contribute to enhanced facilities to people. The major purpose of patents and copy rights is to encourage people to contribute to scientific knowledge. (Lea 2006) Patents can be considered as recognition of talent of individual. Innovative products can inspire other individuals to produce similar or other products. As software is protected by IPR, it cannot be modified. One needs to differentiate between copy right acts and software patents. Copy right acts protect interest of authors. Generally, mass production of a book involves huge expenditure as it requires investment in printing and machinery. Software production, on the other hand, does not involve such huge investment. This argument is used to defend software patents. But, this argument alone cannot be used to defend right of a person who authors computer programs. (Lea 2006) Utilitarianism believes in welfare principles. Property rights are essential to achieve general welfare. Lack of property rights can affect large numbers of individuals. Non-software copy rights have encouraged producers to enhance production. They are able to obtain recognition for their contribution to their sector. On the other hand, software patent has affected large numbers of individuals, as they are not able to modify source code of a computer program. Duplication of software will affect income rights of a person or organization that produces software. The author will continue to enjoy the right to control the product. At the same time, additional features can be created by tweeting source code. This can benefit large numbers of people as they use free and modified software. Lea 2006) One needs to appreciate the fact that computer programs cannot replace essential goods required by large numbers of world population. In the 1990s, American population depended on computer revolution, which created employment opportunities for large numbers of individuals. At the same time, a country cannot solely depend on computer programs. This is because comp uter programs cannot replace other economic activities such as agricultural and industrial production. (Lea 2006) Protection of monopolistic companies such as Microsoft has created disparity between rich and poor nations. It is not possible to defend high price charged by companies for their software. This is because companies do not invest heavily in R & D, unlike non software industry. From utilitarian perspective, it is not possible to defend IPR of software. This is because the aim of world leaders should be to reduce disparity between rich and poor. IPR in software, on the other hand, has enhanced gap between rich and poor. This is because countries such as the US depend heavily on software export. The US enhanced its software trade surplus which crossed $20 billion in 1999. (Lea 2006) Second, from libertarian perspective also one cannot defend IPR. This is because IPR does not allow freedom to individuals as they are not able to modify and sell software. This can affect their creative abilities. IRP affects autonomy and freedom of individuals. In a free and democratic country such as the US it is not possible to justify protection of organizations such as Microsoft. Free software movement emerged in order to defend the right of individuals to freely distribute software. In the 1960s, computers had to install software as a distinct bundle. Aim of such measure was to avoid monopoly of a particular company. Microsoft believes in protection of its IPR. In actuality, the main attempt of this organization is to protect its commercial interest. Lack of IPR rules in the context of software will erode profitability of this company. By the use of cyber laws, the company is able to reach a monopolistic position. This has contributed to inflated price of software produced by this company. It is interesting to note that the company hired services of professional detectives in Europe to identify people who used unlicensed company products. Microsoft has faced criticism from European countries due to its monopolistic position in the international software market. Lawsuits are filed against this company for discouraging competition from other companies. (Lea 2006) Computer consumers are expected to purchase legal software from designated commercial areas. At the same time, one needs to note that absence of IPR in software would not affect company profitability. This is because it is not possible for individuals to use different free or licensed computer programs. Today, most users depend on Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer. Other products are not used due to compatibility issue as these programs are not compatible with Microsoft products. This shows that even if Microsoft products are not protected by IPR, consumers will continue to use them as they are accustomed to this company product. In the year 2001, the government compromised with Microsoft by structuring IPR in such a way as to protect interest of this company. (Lea 2006) Data shows that 90 percent of computers use Microsoft products including Windows and Internet Explorer. (Lea 2006) This has affected competition in this sector. Consequently, large numbers of people are compelled to buy products from Microsoft. The solution for this problem is that Microsoft should be divided into two sections. One section can deal with legal and licensed software, which can be sold at a particular price, while another section can concentrate on products such as video player, which can be freely downloaded. This implies that government is taking sufficient measures to protect interest of consumers who in the IPR regime tend to buy software at inflated price. Another alternative is to abolish IPR of software so that it becomes equivalent to mathematical formulae or a scientific law, which consumers can use and modify based on their subsequent research. This can encourage creativity and innovation and achieve welfare of a large section of world population. (Lea 2006) Utilitarian and libertarian perspectives show that software patent rights do not achieve social welfare, as they aim to protect interest of companies such as Microsoft. Software patent rights have affected autonomy and freedom of individuals who are not legally allowed to modify computer programs. The government needs to introduce regulations restricting software prices. This can encourage companies to offer free software, which can be modified and redistributed for non commercial use.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Religious Journey Essay
The religion that I was raised is Baptist. I have heard that southern Baptists are very strict but I did not ever have to do anything strict. My parents took me to church when I was younger but after about the age of 10 I rarely went again. They got divorced and it was really hard for my mom to raise us and work all the time, so I guess church went out the window. However I have always believed in God and I try to always do the right thing. I pray at night, but I still do not attend church even though I would like to. For a while I did analyze religion too much and I questioned if he was real, but after the stories I’ve heard of people dying and being revived they say they went to heaven. This made me a strong believer and that is why I pray for my family and everything else. If I had not gone to church during my parents’ divorce it would have been a lot harder for me to understand and get through it. It was a very nasty divorce and the custody battle lasted two long years. Going to church not only helped me understand but it gave me something stronger to believe in. The divorce was very hard on me. The religion that I practice now is just being a Christian. I do not really know the difference between Baptist and Christianity. I just know that I believe in God and try to live my life the right way so that one day I can go to heaven hopefully. I always admit my sins and ask for forgiveness. I pray for my family and friends sometimes the whole world. It makes me feel better because it is something bigger than me. I really feel like sometimes God will test us, but he always seems to make it better. I would definitely say that religion and believing in God has made me a stronger and happier person. I couldn’t imagine not believing in anything I know that life would be a lot harder. The reason I decided to be a Christian instead of Baptist is because I do not know the difference for one, but I also want the freedom to believe in God the way I want to. I feel like Christianity gives you more freedom to believe in God your own way. I do not go to church, but that’s not the point. Being a Christian just felt like the right way to go in life.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Importance of Breastfeeding and the implications on Nursing Article
The Importance of Breastfeeding and the implications on Nursing - Article Example of milk from breast is the medium of transference of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type -1 (HIV) but yet it does not mean that breast feeding is the absolute route of transmission of this virus. Moreover, most of the researches are against this proposition and claim that HIV is not easily transmittable. Vast medical researches have played a vital role in the importance of breast feeding during early parenthood duration and continue until total time prescribed. Breastfeeding is advantageous for both infants and mothers as well. Mothers’ state of psychology can be stabled and many problems related to psychology disorders can be dealt by lactation to their babies (Ontario Medical Association 1943). Breast milking is a nutritional source which cannot be replaced by any other supplement and food prescribed and research by physicians for the infants. The obesity usually a mother encounters after pregnancy time period can be removed or at least reduced through the process of breast lactation. The belly watery position and fatty states can also be removed through this process. And speaking of infants, they are highly susceptible and sensitive to diseases at early age so they need highly nourished food (mother’s milk) so they can develop strong immunity system in them against those fatal diseases. Baccalaureate nursing programs according to Mr. Dodgson and Mr. Tarrant (2007), propose that nurses must have evidence based knowledge and education programs on breast feeding. Proper research literature on the breast feeding content should be included in the curricular. Midwives and nurses should promote education about breast feeding during delivery and early stages of birth. Nurses should aware the mothers to give lactations to their infants for the benefits of their babies and for them as well as this program were followed in Hong Kong. The article on surgeon’s call exposed the reasons behind the reluctance of mothers towards breastfeeding practices. As the culture
Life after death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Life after death - Essay Example In order to be free form sins and wrongdoings and to lead a permanent life among the lambs around the Lord, one must ‘hear’ that belief in Christ is necessary. Here, ‘hearing’ translates into understanding, perceiving and comprehension of this truth, wholeheartedly. Baptism translates into meaning that the mortal body, dies in the process and is resurrected to eternal spiritual life with the Lord in His Kingdom. This is akin to the manner in which Jesus Christ gave up His life to redeem man of his sins. Sheer belief and the urge to surrender and repent are the key essentials for a profound Baptism. Personally, the very belief in the Lord and His love for me as his child, is very reassuring and comforting. This also acts as a guiding voice in troubles and tribulations, trauma and pain, and helps one cross the bridge without flinching for a moment, since the knowledge that the Lord is with you is all powering and humbling at the same moment. This way, it also helps one lead a morally sound life on Earth and depart from one’s mortal body as a soul worthy of leading permanent life with the Lord. As a allegorical reference, the Hindu religion of the Eastern world is one of the most spiritual faiths and it advocates life after death, but in different light. The spiritual faith says that one’s soul is subject to re-birth till one is enlightened spiritually of God’s ways. After this, the soul or the ‘aatma’ gets into union with the higher spirit or the ‘Paramaatma’.... In order to be free form sins and wrongdoings and to lead a permanent life among the lambs around the Lord, one must 'hear' that belief in Christ is necessary. Here, 'hearing' translates into understanding, perceiving and comprehension of this truth, wholeheartedly. Baptism translates into meaning that the mortal body, dies in the process and is resurrected to eternal spiritual life with the Lord in His Kingdom. This is akin to the manner in which Jesus Christ gave up His life to redeem man of his sins. Sheer belief and the urge to surrender and repent are the key essentials for a profound Baptism. Personally, the very belief in the Lord and His love for me as his child, is very reassuring and comforting. This also acts as a guiding voice in troubles and tribulations, trauma and pain, and helps one cross the bridge without flinching for a moment, since the knowledge that the Lord is with you is all powering and humbling at the same moment. This way, it also helps one lead a morally sound life on Earth and depart from one's mortal body as a soul worthy of leading permanent life with the Lord. As a allegorical reference, the Hindu religion of the Eastern world is one of the most spiritual faiths and it advocates life after death, but in different light. The spiritual faith says that one's soul is subject to re-birth till one is enlightened spiritually of God's ways. After this, the soul or the 'aatma' gets into union with the higher spirit or the 'Paramaatma'. Coming back to Baptism
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Research Paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Research Paper - Article Example Congress’ objectives are largely represented by policies and legislation, but most of them are implemented by the public sector where the public manager belongs. Therefore, members of this provision are implementers of decisions or ideas envisioned by law makers; they are instruments of reform and progress in the sector. The legislative arm of the government has the desire to make public administration systems more effective and efficient. It is for this reason that it may introduce policies and laws designed to achieve this goal. Currently, new public reform, based on neoliberalism or market economies has been implemented in the US and several other European countries with varied reactions. In the US, managers in the public sector are expected to cut down on bureaucratic coordination and instead adopt market competition or coordination as they carry out their duties. Most elected representatives aim at minimizing government expenditure, and a number of them believe that the reform movement of the day (neoliberalism) can help them achieve this. Therefore, Congress’s convictions and aims affect how public managers carry out their work as they are expected to share these objectives, as well. Provision of quality public services is seen as something desirable by the legislative arm and the public manager’s job is how these abstract ideas can be actualized (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2000). In essence, some advocates in the legislature believe that reduction in government growth is a positive attribute as this allows it to work within its financial limits. Public managers are in charge of actual spending within various federal agencies, so they are expected to make reasonable discretions when doing their work. The neoliberal reform movement currently implies a move towards privatization rather than too much dependence on
Monday, August 26, 2019
Final research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Final research - Essay Example In the opening line of Tomson’s play â€Å"The Rez Sisters†, the character Pelajia says, â€Å"Philomena, I want to go to Toronto†. Pelajia is a Native girl; a reservation resident who immediately pulls audiences into the story because it’s clear she wants to leave her life on the reservation in favour of the multicultural, urban existence of Toronto. Tomson, a Native himself, understands how the pull of the great urban multicultural centre can take a young Native out of his or her home; primarily he understands that this is because many Natives feel segregated and essentially sidelined to life itself, and to cultural awareness and individual expression. This is one of many ways that Tomson has decided to explore and write about Canada as a multicultural nation: his idea of this idealistic notion is basically positive but in this play he pays tribute to the fact that many people, although integral parts of the nation’s multicultural society, feel le ft out of Canadian culture and lifestyle on the whole and seek to explore multiculturalism from their own perspective. â€Å"On the Rez†is ambiguous in that it clearly represents a multicultural nation but it also represents a segregated part of society that often has little recourse to the ethnic differences of an entire nation of people. The multicultural Canada theme continues into Tomson’s other works, most markedly in â€Å"Kiss of the Fur Queen†and â€Å"My Canada†. The first is a story that follows Native boys during their enrolment at a reservation school in Manitoba. Aside from using the major themes of child abuse and segregation, this story also touches on the theme of a multicultural Canada. Instead of showing the idealistic side of a multicultural society, â€Å"Kiss of the Fur Queen†actually delves into the darker side of Canadian history and portrays how people originally dealt with cultures that were
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Is Citizenship in Australia Simply an Individual's Legal Status Essay
Is Citizenship in Australia Simply an Individual's Legal Status - Essay Example The study will examine the benefits and awards that accompany being an outstanding Australian citizen. Precisely, the study seeks to explore the fact that citizenship is not just a legal status since there is more to it. Citizenship in Australia can be regarded as a legal status in a number of ways. Australian citizenship came into being 26 January 1949 under the Nationality and Citizenship Act of 1948. Before the act, Australian citizens used to be British subjects; they shared a nationality code similar to that in Britain. One of the ways through which a person can become an Australian citizen includes citizenship by birth. In this case, a person becomes an Australian citizen if born before 20 August 1986 or when a person was born after that date, but one of the parents held Australian citizenship (Davis, 1996, p. 76). Legally, a person can also be considered an Australian citizen if born overseas and one of the parents held citizenship of Australia at the time of birth. Moreover, people are eligible to become Australian citizens if they were British subjects residing in Australia for 5years before 26 January 1949. Apart from the fact that Citizenship in Australia is a legal status, it can also be considered a privilege which offers numerous rewards. ... The Young Achievers Award has some objectives which include acknowledging and highlighting the achievements of young persons in Australia. The award also strives to use examples of youth achievement with the ultimate aim of educating the general public. Moreover, the award aims at motivating and encouraging young Australians at all levels in their respective fields (Maton, 1995, p. 41). In a way, the Young Achievers Award helps the young citizens to develop some pride in being citizens of Australia. As a result of the award, Young Australians have the opportunity to build self-confidence, since the rewards enhance excellence. Young citizens receive this award as a way of providing mentors and role models for youth by noticing the pursuit of excellence and the achievements of young people. Moreover, the Young Australians Award has an objective of priding good citizens by encouraging and developing life skills and leadership skills among the youth (Dutton, 2002, p. 17). Another popular award given to Australian citizens includes the Regional Achievements and Community Awards. The award is common in areas of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia. Citizens in these regions seek this award with a lot of determination. The award aims at encouraging and paying tribute to individuals, groups, businesses, and communities who make significant contributions to the rural and regional areas. Therefore, the award aims at encouraging those people working in rural areas with an aim of enhancing and supporting commercial, economic, social, and environmental prosperity. This award plays a significant role in recognizing citizens who work extremely hard to develop their respective fields and the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
International Financial Management final Assignment
International Financial Management final - Assignment Example The Swiss franc’s value and euro’s value are expected to be $0.83 and $1.29 respectively, at the end this year. What are the expected dollar cash flows of Live Co? 6. Assuming the bid rate of a New Zealand dollar is $.36 while the ask rate is $.365 at Bank X. Assume the bid rate of the New Zealand dollar is $.33 while the ask rate is $.34 at Bank Y. Given this information, what would be your gain if you use $1,000,000 and execute locational arbitrage? That is, how much will you end up with over and above the $1,000,000 you started with? 7. Briefly explain the theory of interest rate parity. If interest rate parity holds what type of arbitrage is not feasible? You may wish to utilize a chart to explain when arbitrage opportunities exist and who can take advantage of the arbitrage. The theory of interest rate parity entails a situation where the difference of interest rates between two given countries is equal to the difference of spot exchange rate and the forward exchange rate. Thus, if the theory of interest rate parity holds, an arbitrage will not be feasible if the spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate markets are in state of equilibrium. In contrast, if the spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate markets are in state of equilibrium, the arbitrage will be feasible. 8. Assume that Mexico’s inflation rate is lower than the U.S. inflation rate. This will cause U.S. consumers to increase their imports from Mexico and Mexican consumers to reduce their imports from the U.S. According to purchasing power parity (PPP), this will result in a depreciation of the Mexico Peso. 9. The interest rate in the U.K. is 4%, while the interest rate in the U.S. is 5%. The spot rate for the British pound is $1.50. According to the international Fisher effect (IFE), the British pound should adjust to a new level of: The British
Friday, August 23, 2019
U.S. Army - Educational opportunities Research Paper
U.S. Army - Educational opportunities - Research Paper Example The background of the report is the situation in US army where the soldiers are missing out on valuable opportunities provided by the US army which is mainly educational opportunities provided by the US army.This report deals with the present problem in the US army where the retention rate of US soldiers has been constantly decreasing. Recruitments and retention rates in the US army has suffered a setback and one of the attributed reason could be the inflexible lifestyle in the US army especially with respect to educational opportunities. The reason for such low retention rates is because of the unawareness regarding the educational opportunities provided by the US army. Earning a degree while working in the military service is very important because the degree earned serves as a promotional tool which can be used by soldiers to get promotions to higher grades. Education is a necessity in today’s armed forces and the military offers a number of educational opportunities for im proving the education among the soldiers. Army offers several benefits like full time tuition, merit based scholarships, allowances in books and fees, and stipend for living expenses for the qualified students. There are many other programs like tuition assistance, eArmyU, CLEP exams which soldiers can take advantage of in order to build the future ahead of them, which they are currently ignoring. This report is based on audience analysis and the research proposal. The report provides a total overview of the current educational system available in the US army and how the retention and recruitment rates in the US army could be improved. Education is the only asset for the future, whether you are a civilian or an army man. So it is important that all the people should have the basic education, which he can continue further or take advantage of it for his future. US departments for defense provides many benefits for the soldier, of which mainly includes the policy for education. They h ave introduced many programs to increase the educational level of people. The soldiers can take benefits out of various policies to secure their future. Currently there are many programs existing within the system to help the soldiers in getting the education they deserve, the only thing that is being lacking is the awareness among people about that. Willingness to know things can create many chances for the future. There are immense education opportunities in the US army and there are various types of educational programs in the army. The report has a methodology section where methods have been used to collect data and a section of data analysis along with conclusion finding and recommendations. Purpose statement: The purpose of this report is providing a report on the recruitment and retention of soldiers in the US army. Background: The background of the report is the situation in US army where the soldiers are
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Asset Classes Paper Essay Example for Free
Asset Classes Paper Essay Business Finance Resources: Week One readings Select a mutual fund and a Dow 30 organization. Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you determine asset classes for your mutual fund and Dow 30 organization. Explain how such classifications and the current investment environment affect organizational decisions concerning portfolio composition. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. A healthy diet is extremely important during your time at college. The freshman 15 can make a negative impact on your life if you do not eat properly. Make sure you are careful about your intake. Stay away from fast food, junk food and other terrible choices. These foods are quick and easy, but they are very bad for you. This work comprises FIN 402 Week 2 Asset Classes Paper Business Finance Resources: Week One readings Select a mutual fund and a Dow 30 organization. Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you determine asset classes for your mutual fund and Dow 30 organization. Explain how such classifications and the current investment environment affect organizational decisions concerning portfolio composition. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Philippine Rice Farmers Socioeconomic Status Essay Example for Free
Philippine Rice Farmers Socioeconomic Status Essay Rice farmers’ socioeconomic status better when they venture into other businesses. The economic and social status of Filipino rice farmers and their families has steadily improved during the last decade, not because they depended on rice, but because they ventured into other activities that supplemented their income from rice. This was shown by a study conducted by the Socioeconomics Division of the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice). The study group, led by Divina Gracia Vergara, focused on trends transpiring in rice-based farm households and rice lands, and among farmer operators in 33 provinces for the last 10 years. â€Å"This intensive study captures the farmers’ image from 1996 to 2007,†Vergara said. The study shows that the rice-based farm household income is increasing, as gross household income went up from P68,974.85 in 1996-97 to P127,799.95 in 2006-07. The finding is also consistent with the result showing that almost 60 percent of the households are above poverty level (57 percent) in the 2006-07 period. Furthermore, the share of nonfarming activities as a source of income had steadily been increasing, as the study found that rice and rice-based farmers are now engaged in other businesses, such as rubber production, wood craft, welding and work overseas. â€Å"This finding implies an important question. The question in the long run will be about the presence of household members who are willing to pursue rice farming in the future or dependence of rice-farm households on hired labor for the management of their farms,†Vergara said. Aside from improving the status of rice-based households and increasing their income, Vergara also learned that the number of farmers owning rice land had been increasing by 10 percent for the last 10 years. Moreover, there is also an increase in farmers’ yields regardless of season from 3.30 ton per hectare (t/ha) to 3.72 t/ha during the wet season, and 3.37 t/ha to 3.94 t/ha during the dry season. Across three survey rounds, most villages are located in irrigated areas, and results show that irrigation is expanding from 60 percent to 66 percent. The current trend revealed by the study also suggests that highly educated persons are venturing into rice farming, although the majority is modestly educated or with elementary education only. There is a 2-percent increase in the number of farmers with at least a college education venturing into rice farming. In terms of organizing farmers, however, results show that more than 50 percent of the respondents are not affiliated with rice or rice-based organizations. Most of them have not also undergone training since 2004. Noting that half of the farmer-respondents have been farming for 20 years, Vergara also said farmers’ households are benefiting from the technologies and services that are being provided by the government. Despite the interventions, however, average yields gained during the dry and wet seasons are still below the experimental and on-farm trial yields of 7-9 t/ha. Gaining insight from the study, Vergara and her coauthors recommended that training should be sustained to continuously update farmers’ skills and knowledge. She also stressed the need for the government to encourage farmers to form or join organizations as through organization, farmers can pool resources and have easier access to government incentives. She also suggested the expansion of irrigation are as, as this creates â€Å"a more favorable environment for rice farming in particular and agriculture in general.†To attract more people to be involved in rice production, Vergara proposed that technologies lessening the drudgery of rice farming should continually be developed. â€Å"It is important that the government continue to monitor the rice-based farm household to determine or approximate the impact of their interventions. This will also give them enough knowledge on the direction of the policies that they would formulate to improve the countryside,†Vergara said.
History Of The Muscle Car English Language Essay
History Of The Muscle Car English Language Essay when most people think of a muscle car they think of a mid-size model car, with V8 engines, generally produced between 1960 and 1973. Most muscle cars were current mid-size models being produced [The passive voice is a form of be (being) and a participle (produced). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs tedious to read and officious. Try to use the active voice most often, e.g., the student completed the paper on time. The passive voice versionThe paper was completed on time by the studentSee eCampus>CWE>Tutorials Guides>Grammar Writing Guides>Active passive voice] by car manufacturers, and they added a large V8 engine, special trim, and usually better handling and performance options like suspension, braking, etc. intended for maximum acceleration on the street or in drag racing competition. It is [It is is an awkward phrase if it is not clearly a thing] distinguishable from sports cars, which were customarily considered [Passive voice] smaller, two-seat cars, intende d for high-speed touring and possibly road racing. But really [Clearer writing suggestionreal or really means existing in actualityit adds little to the meaning (and using it to mean big, very, or genuine is slang); replace it with a more expressive word] the firs muscle car every made was a 1949 Oldsmobile Rocket 88. But it wasnt tell 1951 that the Oldsmobile Rocket 88 got [Doctoral rule (although good advice for any academic writer)got is informal English and can mean many things; in academic writing, use forms of arrive at, can, could, grows, is able to, etc.] really famous with the creation of the Hudson Hornet the first of the American muscle car to be a famous race car. How can you [Eliminate second person (you, your) in academic documents and avoid addressing the reader directly. Use third-person pronouns (he, she, it, they)] tell if a car is a Muscle Car? [Unless in a quote, avoid rhetorical questions in academic writing] First the particular car would likely be a limited production version of a street car, like the Boss 302 Mustang and the Mach 1/GTs. It had some kind of performance suspension designed for going from 0 [Write out numbers under 10] to 100 as quickly as possible or to handle well on a track and often to do both. Second it will have some kind of high output motor or the biggest motor that could be stuffed [Passive voice] under the hood, Till [Check spelling: Although often used interchangeably, for greatest clarity in academic writing, use until to mean a length of time yet to lapse, till to mean turning the soil, and avoid til altogether] the end of 1950s, car manufacture was monopolized [Passive voice] by England, France, Italy, and America, etc. But during the 1960s they saw a drastic change in the market as European manufacturers started adopting better technology that resulted in innovative models. Meanwhile, Japan too started successfully manufacturing automobiles in a major way, starting with its Keicar. The most common muscle car you [second person] think of is probably the Ford Mustang. But the mustang wasnt always made by ford originally it was made by Shelby. Then in Mustang debuted in 1965, but did [Remove comma if the following is not an independent clause] you [second person] know that it wasnt the firt muscle car envented the first mucsle car was an Oldsmobile Rocket 88 car companies have been fighting trying to see who could think of a way to make the most powerful and fastest car ever since the first car was produced [Passive voice] in 1885,. then in 1949 Oldsmobile accomplished that goal with the creation of the Oldsmobile Rocket 88 the very first muscle car to be produced. [Passive voice] After that Performance stayed the for the next 6 [Write out numbers under 10] year. But Then in 1955 Chrysler invented the C-300 on of the classics putting them on top with there performance. The C-300 had a 300 horse power Hemi engine the most powerful engine at that time making the C-300 American fastest and mots powerful car manufactured in 1955 which [Use that for a restrictive phrase (or place a comma before which)] included the Ford Thunderbird, the Corvette, and the Chevy Bel Air. The reason the C-300 was more powerful then all those other cars was that the Hemi engine could could [Typographical error: eliminate duplicate word (if on the same line)] go from from [Typographical error: eliminate duplicate word (if on the same line)] zero to sixty [Express numbers higher than nine in digits (when not the first word in the sentence)] in 9.8 seconds and it had a top speed of 130 mph. But these performance numbers were nothing compared to what they would see during the next decade. Because as the other car companys climbed up in the competition, the cars became mor e powerful. There for the American muscle car era was born. The muscle car era coincided with the baby boom generation at the end of World War II, as the soldiers came home there babies were everywhere! And [In academic writing, avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction ] cars during WWII and after were pretty [Vague wordingpretty is a weak word (old Fifties slang) if used to mean very. It means attractive. Use very or another adjective.] conservative in their styling and speed. So the Chop Shops and performance shops sprung up quickly as the war came to an end, leading to the birth of the hot rod. But the only problem was that it was to [Misspelling: too] expensive, and took a lot of [Only commercial shipments and real estate are measured in lots. To use a lot of to mean many, much, or a large amount is a colloquialism (not universally clear). Use another term.] effort and time to modify a car. But It was not economical possible for most people at that time. But it was a lot [Avoid using lots or a lot of] cheaper to make a muscle because of the factory maintenance so they was able to sell the muscle cars for a lot [Avoid using lots or a lot of] less so which [Use that for a restrictive phrase (or place a comma before which)] is what made muscle cars such successful sellers with the new baby boomers. But since [Check word choice: Since is more precise in referring to time (after that); otherwise use because] it was cheaper certain models lacked in power and speed. But by the 1960s [Check spelling: if the preceding is a year, following the year with apostrophe-s means possessive; leave out the apostrophe before s] that all changed This is the decade [Passive voice] that built the muscle car specifically for the drag racing crowds. Its [Check spelling: If meant to be it is, avoid contractions in formal writingwrite it out; if meant as the possessive of it, remove the apostrophe. The possessive form of it is its] also the decade that made the muscle cars we [Use we, us, or our to mean yourself and coauthors, not general humanity (or yourself and the reader)] think of today was invented. [Passive voice] Such as [Beginning with these words, the following is most likely a sentence fragment] [Check word choice: such as refers to things that are exactly what you are discussing; like means something similar to what you are discussing] the charger, GTO, Chevelle, Mustangs, Firebird, and Camaros. In the early 60s [Check punctuationSingle quotation marks are only for a quotation within a quotation. Otherwise, use double quotes ] the only American sports car that was counted [Passive voice] as a muscle car was the Chevy Corvette at a price that was way too high for most. The Ford Thunderbird had grown into a large luxury car (and Ford heard many complaints about this). Imported sports cars, mostly from England, were selling well. Within a few years the post-war baby boomers would be buying their first car. The Mustang II concept car generated a lot of [Avoid using lots or a lot of] excitement and led directly to the first Mustang less than a year later. The 1960s also saw the opportunity of pony cars and muscle cars in America, where [If not referring to a place, use in which] performance of vehicles mattered the most. The Ford Mustang was another popular car of this period and enjoyed a great deal of fanfare till Chevrolet released its Camaro Z28 in 1967, to compete with it. Ford in turn accepted the challenge and brought forth the Mustang Boss 302 and the Mustang Boss 429 in 1969, which again was lapped [Passive voice] up by people in general. Then in 1964 Pontiac made one of the big brake through in muscle car history with the Pontiac Tempest. The GTO package on this model added a 389 V8 engine, and a floor-shifted transmission, as well as [No comma before as well as (which means in addition to and is not a conjunction the equivalent of and)] special trims and GTO badges being [Doctoral rule (but good advice for any academic writer)If not a noun (as in human being), the word Being is hard to imagine; it means existing. Try to rewrite this without using beingwith words like attending, working, living, experiencing, simply asor even removing being completely] the fastest muscle car made that year. The only problem was that GM Corporate had a policy at this time [Wordiness: these words mean simply now] that did not allow anything other than a full size model to have anything larger than a 330 cid engine. So Pontiacs engineers decided to work around that policy by offering the 389 cid engine as an option as well, instead of c reating a new model for it. Pontiac planned on selling 5,000 GTOs that first year; but instead they ended up selling 32,450 GTOs that first year putting them way over there goal. In 1967 GMC decided to come out with the Chevrolet Camaro. After watching ford two years making money off the Ford Mustangs success, General Motors finally launched its entry into the high performance [Spellingas an adjective, these two words should be a single hyphenated word] pony car segment introducing the Chevrolet Camaro. Although available with a mediocre six cylinder for volume sales, the Camaro also could be equipped [Passive voice] with several V8s and a bunch of performance options. the [A sentence begins with a capital letter (or is this an incomplete sentence?)] Z/28- would change the industry of muscle card view of fast pony cars forever. the [Needs capital letter] Camaro was named [Passive voice] after the French word for comrade, even no some peaple argued that it was actually [Clichà ©: actual and actually are weak words whose meaning is nothing more than in point of fact. They are often used as intensifiers but usually can be deleted with no change in meaning ] Spanish for a type of shrimp. Not exactly a good name for a new pony car. Luckily, the Camaro had the muscle to back it up. The Camaro was based [Passive voice] on the 1968 Chevy Novas model and it featured a uniqe [Word choiceuse an] body structure from the windshield and firewall back, with a separate steel rail subframe for everything up front. The Camaro was available from the start in hardtop coupe and convertible body styles, and could [Punctuation: remove the comma if the following is not an independent clause (could not be a sentence by itself) OR is not the last element in a series of more than two] be order with nearly 80 factory options and it had up to 40 different dealer accessories options, including three main option packages and a choice of four different engines. The RS package included numerous cosmetic changes including a blacked out grill with hidden headlights, revised parking and tail lights, upgraded interior trim, and RS badging. Of greater interest to enthusiasts was the SS package which [Use that for a restrictive phrase (or place a comma before which)] included as standard equipment a modified 350 cid V8 (the first 350 engine Chevy ever offered) with an available 396 cid big block producing 325bhp (L35) and later a 375bhp version, along with simulated air-intakes on the hood, special bumble bee striping, and a blacked out grill. It was [Avoid it is, etc.] possible to order both the RS and SS packages, and get a RS/SS Camaro, in which case the RS badging took precedence. Camaro popularity soared when a RS/SS Convertible with the 396 paced the 1967 Indianapolis 500 race. In December 1966, Chevrolet then quietly released one of the most famous options codes of all time, option Z-28. Unpublicized and unknown by most of the buying public (and most Chevrolet sales people [The preceding two words are spelled as one word] for that matter) and not mentioned in any sales literature, the only way someone could order the Z-28 package was to order a base Camaro with the Z-28 option, mandatory front disc brakes with power assist, and the Muncie 4-speed transmission. You [second person] could not order the SS package, automatic transmission, air conditioning, or the convertible. What you [second person] got was a unique 302 cid small block (Non-California emission cars were labeled [Passive voice] MO while [Clearer writing suggestionWhile is accurate in linking simultaneous events (in the sense of during)otherwise use although, whereas, and, or but] California emission engines were labeled [Passive voice] MP) that was created [Passive voice] by taking the 327 blo ck and installing the short-stroke 283 crank. Specifically designed to compete in the Club of America Trans Am racing series which [Use that for a restrictive phrase (or place a comma before which)] placed a 305 cid limit on its entries, the Z-28 was available to the public solely to qualify the car for racing. Advertised horsepower was listed [Passive voice] at just 290bhp, which was not very impressive until one hooked it up to a dyno and got actual [see above] readings of 360-400 bhp. The Z-28 also came with a competition suspension, broad racing stripes on the hood and trunklid and could be combined [Passive voice] with the RS option package. There was [There was is an awkward phrase if there is not clearly a location] no Z-28 badging at all, lest it attract to much attention. The Z-28 proved to be difficult to launch on the street because its high reving engine was lethargic under 4000rpm and worked best when it was shifted [Passive voice] at 7500rpm (!). Once it got going, the Z28 was tough to beat and boosted a 140mph top speed and numerous racing victories. Only 602 Z-28s were sold in 1967, making it a truly [Clearer writing suggestiontruly means in a true manner (as opposed to a false or lying manner), and this does not appear to be the intention. In casual conversation this word can mean accurately, most clearly, or indeed, but avoid it in academic writing or especially an international business communication] desirable collectable. But the each year, muscle cars kept on getting bigger and heavier, due to [Check word usage: This phrase is most accurate in referring to something owed ($5 due) or an arrival time (due at 6:00)try because or because of] added options. This lead [Check spelling: unless this is a noun (as in team lead) or a present/future verb (they will lead the charge), the past-tense verb is spelled led (as a noun, lead is the metal in cannon balls)] to a new breed of stripped-down muscle cars, such as the Plymouth Road Runner and Dodge Super Bee. These were designed [Passive voice] to cost less than most the other models, without the extra options and plush interior. They were designed [Passive voice] to be cheap race car, that [Remove comma before that preceding a restrictive phrase (otherwise replace that with which)] way there you could go race the same day you bought the car without any modifications and still win! Chrysler introduced the viable pony cars in 1970 with the introduction of the Challenger and the newly designed Barracuda. The 1970s [Check spelling: if the preceding is a year, following the year with apostrophe-s means possessive; leave out the apostrophe before s] started out good. It was [Avoid it is, etc.] consider by most as the pinnacle year for the classic muscle cars. Then the world changed when the fuel prices began to rise, the insurance companies started raising rates and the economy began to slow down. By 1975, most muscle cars had been discontinued [Passive voice] or heavily downgraded, effectively ending the muscle car era. Because performance was no longer a consideration for the automotive customer was looking for fuel economy, and not [Punctuation: remove the comma if the following is not an independent clause (could not be a sentence by itself) OR is not the last element in a series of more than two] power and [Check punctuationinsert a comma before this word if this is the last in a list of more than twoor if it begins a new clause] speed in there performance. Because of that the Hemi Cuda and Challenger stopped getting manufacturer, and The Chargers and Chevelles were now [Clearer writing suggestionUnless you are making a philosophical statement (Now is the time to improve myself) or mean as of the present time (the business is now known as Ajax Corp.), consider removing nowsince this is being read after the time you wrote it, now is in the past] sold as mid-priced luxury cars. The only cars to continue the tradition were the Firebird and the Camaro. Even no, they werent as powerful as they had been just a few years earlier. Nothing much happened to change that until the Ford Mustang was reintroduced [Passive voice] in 1979 as a performance model. When Henry Ford decided that the market had rested long enough. Then in 1982 the mucsle car era came back when a new Camaro and Firebird were manufacterd. Then In 1984 Chevrolet introduced a new Corvette. So Buick decided to shake things [Vaguenessthings is a wording gimmick to avoid further description] up with the Grand National. So by 1987 the Grand National had become one of the best muscle cars ever. Power and speed was back. So Muscle cars continued to improve all the way to the turn of the century. The cars kept getting better and better by the late 1990s [Check spelling: if the preceding is a year, following the year with apostrophe-s means possessive; leave out the apostrophe before s] these new muscle cars out did their classic muscle cars in every category. Performance, comfort, reliability and fuel consumption were all much better than they were in the 1960s. surprisingly, no one was worried that the Sales went down on all the muscle cars across America. Because General [A job title is not capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence or associated with the name of a person or institution, e.g., Certified Public Accountant John Doe. If not, it is just a label, such as auto mechanic, nuclear physicist, fry cook, brain surgeon, professor, etc.] motors even stopped production of the Camaro and Firebird in 2002. The fourth-generation Chevrolet Camaro debuted for the 1993 model year on an updated F-body platform. It would retain the same characteristic since [Check word choice: Since is more precise in referring to time (after that); otherwise use because] the first-generations introduction back in 1967; 2-doors, 2+ [Write out numbers under 10] 2 seating, available as a coupe (with optional T-top roof) or , [Avoid leaving a space before a comma] rear-wheel drive, and a choice of V6 and V8 power plants [The preceding two words are spelled as one word] . The 1998 model year was refreshed [Passive voice] and revised with both exterior and engine changes. The fourth-gen Camaro would last up through the 2002 model year when General Motors discontinued production due to [Avoid due to, try because or because of] slow sales, a deteriorated sports coupe market, and plant overcapacit. Resources
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Miltons Satan in Paradise Lost Essay -- John Milton Satan Paradise Lo
Milton's Satan in Paradise Lost After researching Satan and his kingdom, Hell, through the Bible and Paradise Lost to compare and contrast the two characterizations, I realized that Milton must have been a true Bible scholar. Milton’s Satan is described so closely to the Biblical view of Satan that it is often times hard to distinguish the two. Milton changed and elaborated on a few characteristics of his Satan and his Hell in order to create Paradise Lost, but based his characterization and his descriptions on his interpretation of the Bible, using his imagination to form a more vivid picture of how horrible Satan and Hell are in reality. The action of Book One in Paradise Lost begins immediately after God has thrown Satan and his other fallen angels down to Hell from Heaven. The reader then comes to know that Satan was cast into Hell because he became too proud and believed that his power was equal to God’s own power. He wanted to set himself up on a pedestal in Heaven. Milton writes, â€Å"What time his pride had cast him out from Heaven, with all his host of rebel angels, by whose aid aspiring to set himself in glory above his peers, he trusted to have equaled the Most High†(Norton 1819). In the book of Isaiah, the story is relayed very similarly to Milton’s version of how and why Satan fought against God and that he was thrown down into Hell. Milton speaks of Satan as â€Å"O how fallen!†(Isaiah 14:12-15). This phrase comes directly from Isaiah 14:12. Isaiah wrote, â€Å"How you are fallen fro m Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!†(Isaiah 14:12). Isaiah continues in the same fashion as Milton in verse... .... Abrams, M.H. (editor). The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th Edition. Volume 1. New York City, NY: W.W. Norton and Co., 2000. pp. 1815-1825. 2. Abrams, M.H. (editor). The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Volume 2. New York City, NY: W.W. Norton and Co., 1968. pp. 704-707. 3. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The Statesman’s Manual; or the Bible the best Guide To Political Skill and Foresight: A Lay Sermon, Addressed to the Higher Classes of Society. London: Gale & Fenner, J. M. Richardson, and J. Hatchard, 1816. 4. Extreme Teen Bible: New King James Version. Ed. Bruce Barton, Christopher Hudson, and David Veerman: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999 5. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. A Defense of Poetry. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1904 6. The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version. Ed. Earl Radmacher,Th.D., Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997
Monday, August 19, 2019
Frankenstein :: essays research papers fc
Frankenstein the novel and movie had a few similarities and many differences. Robert De Niro plays the Creature and he does a good job portraying the creature in the novel. Kenneth Branagh plays Victor Frankenstein and his play was good with the way he showed the consequences he faced during his life. Henena Bonham Carter is Elizabeth who has an important role in the novel.      In the 1994 film, Robert De Niro is the creature. They d o an excellent job with the special effects and he looks exactly like how he is described in the book. â€Å"What kind of people is it in which I am comprised? Good people? Bad ds people?†(Shelley 56) In the beginning, it’s similar to the novel a man creates life from dead tissue. Then the creature escapes and creates havoc among the people. When the monster awakes in the movie, like the book, shows the monster is kind and gentle until he realizes he is not accepted or loved. However, in the book this period of corruption goes into much greater detail.                                                   The human’s reactions to the monster are also very similar. â€Å"Everyone starts at the sight of him, runs from his frightening features, or tries to kill him out of fear. In the film, the monster is incapable of speech, and the audience does not have the opportunity to view any thread of humanity within him.†(Frankenstein page 3) Instead of feeling pity, the movies aim is to invoke horror or fear. Specific scenes are also changed. When the monster finds a young girl by the water, instead of saving her like the book, he throws her into the water. Next is Victor Frankenstein and he is being played by Kenneth Branagh, who is the young scientist, around whose creation the story revolves around .He is the creator of the monster. Kenneth does a good job showing the problems he had growing up and the way his family got in the way of his experiments. From the film, one can see the affection towards his family and his love for experimenting with dead people. The film does show way too much romance and not enough blood and gore.                                              Henena Bonham Carter is Elizabeth. Henena does a well job of portraying Elizabeth. She does show the affection she has towards Victor, the picture that she creates is exactly as it is from the novel.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Determining if Bagasse Contributes to Belize Electricity Resource :: Renewable Energy Environment Essays Papers
Determining if Bagasse Contributes to Belize Electricity Resource Graphics Missing Boyle states that â€Å"Bioenergy is the general term for energy derived from materials such as wood, straw, or animal waste, which were once living material†(p 106). The energy stored in a living organism even when it’s dead is known as biofuel. This fuel is capable of producing energy. A biomass used for creating bioenergy in Belize is bagasse. The bagasse that is produced in Belize is created by the Belize Sugar Industries. Agriculture is the backbone of the Belizean economy, and one of the most important crops is sugar cane. â€Å"In 1994 there were 2,165 cane farmers cultivating sugar cane in Belize, most in small farms in the Orange Walk and Corozal districts. This paper provides the reader with a brief insight on the sources of Belize’s electricity. Boyle states that â€Å"Increased recovery of wastes, combined with improved efficiency of conversion to electricity, could result in up to fifty GW of generating capacity from the sugar industry world wide†(p 119). Bagasse is the biomass remaining after sugar cane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. It is made up of fifty percent of fiber, forty-eight percent moisture, and two percent of sugar. The web encyclopedia states that â€Å"a sugar factory produces nearly thirty percent of bagasse out of its total crushing†( Bagasse is often used as a primary fuel source for sugar mills, when burned in quantity; it produces sufficient heat energy to supply all the needs of a typical sugar mill, with energy to spare. Boyle states â€Å"The total energy content of the annual residues of the world’s two main crops, sugar and rice, is estimated as about 18Ej- similar to the total for temperate crops†(p 119). In Belize sugar cane and rice are two of the crops that produce capital for the country. However, Belize is still having a problem supplying its residents with a steady flow of electricity. The electrical power receive goes on an off from time to time. â€Å"During the dry season Mexico supplies more than fifty percent of Belize’s electricity†(Belize Electricity Limited). The rest of the electricity is produces through diesel generators and the dams. The dam’s supplies should produce about thirty percent of the electricity needed. When Mexico is in need of electricity they cut the electricity that they sell Belize and use it.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A Message from Disadvantaged Children of Friends for Street Children in Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam
A message from disadvantaged children of Friends For Street children in Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam Ladies and Gentlemen, Ho Chi Minh City is an economic city of Vietnam, with a population of more than 8 million. Attracted by the rapid economic expansion of Ho Chi Minh City, a large number of migrants from many parts of the country is coming. However, they mostly are poor in material, education, professional skills which leads to unstable jobs and low salaries. They live together with many other family’s members in a temporary houses or narrow rental rooms. They cannot earn enough for living.It becomes so difficult for these parents to manage school fee for their children; even they need financial help from their children. Many children of these families have to support financially by selling lottery tickets, newspapers, shoes polishing, or begging. Why we help disadvantaged children? The reality of early labors and dropping out of school of migrant children in Ho Chi Mi nh City is so common. Adding to these labor migrant children is poor children of Ho Chi Minh City who live in slums. They are also the target for child labors, illiterate and many social issues.Facing with the reality that many children cannot access school and their rights are neglected, Friends For Street Children Association was established in 1984, purposely to assist the disadvantaged children in their studies. The Association organizes seven Development Centers to serve about 1200 children studying from Kindergarten to Grade 5. What do children benefit from your help? With the help of donors, sponsors, individuals and groups, and organizations for disadvantaged children at cities of development countries like Vietnam, we can prevent and resolve little by little the basic issues such as: Preventing the dropping out of the school of children. – Reducing illiterate. – Resolving child labor. – Reducing child malnutrition. – Increasing child self-confide nt and self-esteem due to lacking social integrating environment. – Encouraging respect of child basic rights. – Providing a good environment for education in order to reduce social crime concerning children. Your support will help us to organize what activities? Your support will give children chances to access a good education. In FFSC system, we organize free education for children from 5 to 15 years old included Pre-school and Elementary School classes.This is a very important step to support all children to excel certain knowledge in order to integrate public schools. Without supporting, it will be impossible for poor and labor child to access further education. – At the center, we also organize language classes such as English, Japanese for children; – Vocational training courses such as sewing, embroidery for girls; – Building up child self-confident and social understanding through life skills and life values courses; – Improving chi ldren’s creativities through recreation programs according to age such as circle games, drawing; Improving their health through outdoor body exercises; – Healthcare, teeth care and providing milk; – Sponsorships for poor children who study at public schools to prevent dropping out due to financial reason; – Supporting children and families psychologically through home visits. What’s impact of our support for children? Our purpose focuses on and enhances well-being and a better future of disadvantaged children. – These disadvantaged children will have chance to access and integrate the public school and to develop their talents. Some girls who are trained can earn living in the future. – They are served better in nutrition and health. – They will gain a balance on psychology. – They have chances to have fun as any other children. – These poor children can proceed higher education in order to graduate from high scho ol and college. – They are provided necessary knowledge and skills to live healthily, happily and usefully in future society. Our dear guests, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your kind presence here today. Thank you for your attentive listening.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Mercury Athletic Footwear: Valuing the Opportunity Essay
Team 10 / Mergers and Acquisitions West Coast Fashions, Inc (WCF) was a large business, which dealt with men’s and women’s apparel. One of their segments was Mercury Athletic Footwear. WCF wanted to dispose off this segment. They just wanted to divest because they wanted to focus more on their core business and move it up to the elite class. John Liedtke was the Business Development Head at that time in Active Gear Inc. He had a clear idea that acquiring Mercury will shoot up AGI’s revenues for sure. It would also ensure an expansion of the key business. In order to get a clearer picture on the acquisition, he needed to compare and analyze the company’s financials well. By this he could gauge the pros and cons of this acquisition. Are the strategic reasons behind the Merger good enough? Explain As a team, we had different views on this question. Some reasons make us think that it may be beneficial for AGI to grab the opportunity but some make us think that it might not be as promising as it seems. Let us see why we feel it is a good idea for AGI to acquire Mercury. Active Gear Inc. Mercury Athletic Footwear Revenue $470,285mn $431,121mn % Revenue Product wise 42% Athletic 58% Casual 79% Athletic 21% Casual Operating Income $60.4mn $42,299mn Revenue growth 2% to 6% 12.5% Active Gear was one of the most successful firms in terms of profitability, in the footwear industry. Mercury looked like a good opportunity for an attractive investment because they almost have the same revenues, while being smaller in size, in the market. The Percent revenue in the casual footwear in AGI compensates for the gap in Mercury. It’s a perfect balance. When we looked at the industrial average of revenue growth is 10% and AGI is below the standard, however Mercury is above by 2.55%. It is a good sign to move ahead for this acquisition, as it will enable AGI to remain at the top in the market. Both companies are in the same industry and have same products. Both Mercury and AGI does its manufacturing in China. AGI sourced its resources to the contract manufacturers in China. Mercury can leverage with these manufacturers as China just experienced a wave of consolidation favorable for these kinds of manufacturers. This, in turn, can enable AGI to have the opportunity to expand with its top retailers and distributors. Mercury’s cost of manufacturing is low and could help to sync the lower profit margins of AGI, which it had been facing from its suppliers, distributors and consumers. (Refer Case Page 5 and 3). Mercury had always been an autonomous body, which maintained its own financials, data management, resource management and distribution. This would pave a smooth way for AGI to take over. This smoothness could not have been expected had Mercury been totally under WCF. Now let us look at why some of the members of the team thought that the acquisition is not an appropriate decision: There would be strategic clashes because AGI focuses on Classic and elite products with long life, on the other hand, Mercury focused on flexibility and changed its pr oducts based on demand and trend. (Refer Case study Page 2 and 4). There is a huge difference in days Inventory between the two companies. It means that there must be a strategy of keeping their products on shelf. We also come to know that Liedtke believed that Mercury can adopt the Inventory Management of AGI and a bit incremental cost and then it might reduce the levels of DSI of Mercury. Mercury also concentrated on a different geographic section than AGI. We also think that this Acquisition might just entail a complete take-over of the Women’s line of Mercury. However, it might me a loss making business for AGI later (Refer case study Page 6). Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? We put the Exhibit 7 for reference: As a team we analyzed each segment’s projection: Men’s Athletic This segment indicated a 8,72% average growth rate from 2007-2011. According to the information in the case, Men’s Athletic revenue grew more 40% over the prior year and the average compound rate from 2004-2006 was of 29%, therefore the forecasted item should be based on this assumption from the case of CAGR of 29%. This projection seems conservative and it can be modified towards the expected 29% growth. Men’s Casual Women’s Athletic This segmented shows a growth rate of 2,50% from 2007-2011. According to the information provided in the case, the sales of this business line should be declining at 6,25% per year not increasing. Therefore its sales should decrease in this percentage not increase as projected per Liedtke. Liedtke projected for this business segment, an average growth rate 7,98% (2007-2001). The case indicates a growth from 2004-2005 of 13,5% per year . Therefore this can be somewhat a conservative growth projection. Since this has been solid growth, this could be increased to maintain the 13, 5% sales growth in the upcoming years Women’s Casual Lietdke’s projection assumed that this business line was going to disappear by the end of 2007 this is aligned with was its expected from Mercury management according to the facts stated in the case (page 6). Given this information we can conclude that the Women’s Casual as part of Mercury revenue generator would disappear, therefore this projection seems reasonable if Mercury does not merge. If merger happens this business line can be enhance by the synergies of both companies and it might be a positive approach to keep the brand alive. Estimated Capital Expenditures This projected expenditure was based on 5, 67% average growth rate from 2007 until 2011. The information in the case indicates that Mercury’s capital spending its little since they focus its resources in market research and product designs. Estimated Depreciation This item maintains an average growth rate of 5,67% for the years of 2007-2011. Because there is no more evidence of changes in depreciation this seems reasonable for Mercury’s operations. Cash Used in Operations From the Historical balance of exhibit 4, in 2006 Cash & Equivalents closed with a balance of $10,676. Liedtke projected a 61% decline for 2007 reducing the Cash line item to $4,161. This reduction might be since the historical Balance Sheet (2004-2006) was taking into account Cash & Cash Equivalents â€Å"†where the projected Balance Sheet (2007-2011) it’s only taking into account â€Å"Cash used in operations†. In addition, it might also be affected by the fact of â€Å"Men’s casual footwear†and â€Å"Women’s Casual Footwear†revenue are declining and not generating enough sales. Accounts Receivable The accounts receivable of Mercury, maintained flat growth with a 6% average growth rate from 2006-2011. Probably they have credit terms with retailers and shops, although there is not enough information in the case about this, therefore it seems an appropriate projection. Inventory According to Liedtke projections inventory also maintain an average growth of 6% until 2011. An inventory increase it’s necessary for this type of business, since Mercury needs to supply large retailers with their Footwear. In addition, this increase might be justified with the fact that, Mercury its receiving pressure from suppliers in China who need larger orders to operate at full capacity, therefore Mercury might be forced to make larger orders in the future to maintain its current relationship with the Asian suppliers. However, if Mercury it’s considering Women’s Casual as dead brand this can make the growth to be somewhat conservative. Prepaid Expenses According to Liedtke’s projection these expenses increased from$ 10,172 to $14,747 in 2007 represented 42% increased. After 2007 Liedtke’s projected an average growth rate of 6% will maintain an average growth rate. Prepaid expenses might be rent of related to their operations however there is not enough information to assume that prepaid expenses can change aggressively over the projected years. Property Plant and Equipments This line item seems to maintain a flat and conservative growth since there is no indications of major changes in this area in the future of Mercury fixed assets. Trademarks &Other Intangibles The amount in trademarks and other intangible should not change since the company already owns the brands of the different segment. If in the future the merger happens then this might decrease Accounts Payable This was projected with a 5% average growth rate per year since 2007. For this type of business model seems reasonable that mercury maintains a conservative growth rate for the future years. The company already has established relationship with retailers and probably their credit terms will remain the same for the upcoming years. Accrued Expenses Accrued expenses which might be related to workers’ wages, increased from 16,981 to 22,778 in 2007 (21% increase). This increase seems somewhat aggressive since the company it’s probably expects to have less staff from the business lines, which are declining. Deferred Taxes Taxes might not suffer any changes, since this the taxes the company will have to pay for the upcoming years. Pension Obligation Projections of pensions seems reasonable and with no changes for upcoming years. Nevertheless, if we assume that organizational changes will occur in the future such as lay-offs this line could be reduced. Value the target company, first by the DCF approach, and second, by multiples, using Liedtke’s baseline case. Explain all the assumptions that you make in this process We look at the valuation done by Joel L. Heilprin for Mercury when the WACC is 11.06% and the long run growth rate is projected at 2.78%: However, our DCF uses a WACC of 8.73% and a long-term growth rate of 3%. We do understand that there is a significant difference from Heilprin’s calculations; however, it is to reflect upon the probable different values of the treasury securities that we chose. Here is our DCF, but please refer to the excel file (attached through â€Å"Turn it In’) for all the formulas and values we used to give us an idea and to help us reach the solution. In one of our calculations we took Termination Value in 2007 based on the M&A. And in the other one, we took the Termination Value from 2011 because the FCF is growing slowly. (Please refer to the calculations in the Excel) Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why? Three calculations give different results because we took assumptions. The DCF method based on case assumption gives higher value than the P/E method. Based on the calculation we get two different market value of the company. The evident one is $236,988. This approach can be considered as aggressive. Moreover the target company has the steady financial statement with a low debt proportion, while the bidder has higher debt in portfolio. We combine the company by â€Å"Pooling Interest†method. This situation considers that the bidder, which tries to target the company with higher price, is considered to be aggressive. From our Lower WACC calculations we drop the Cost of Capital, which can inversely raise the enterprise value. With our high enterprise value we have a higher proposal value to the buyer, higher than Heilprin’s. What kind of synergies or other sources of value not included in Lietdke’s projections? How would you take them into account? The additional opportunities that the company has to improve the results are: Maintain line of Women casual revenues. AGI has the opportunity to add this line of products. AGI can use the infrastructure of Mercury without new investments. Additionally, AGI could change the Women casual brand of Mercury to their own brand, so changing the products style to the concept of lifestyle for women. The company could consider as minimum an EBIT of $0.5M similar to the 2004. Improvement in DSI, DSO, DPO. Mercury has fewer DSI, more DSO, and more DPO. If we analyze the next table, we can consider that AGI have the opportunity to match the DSI of Mercury with the ones of AGI. Additionally, the company has the opportunity of increase the PDO of Mercury with AGI, negotiating days of payment with the providers in China. These opportunities improve the Working capital in $17M for AP, and $22M for inventory. The total improvement for WC is $39M. Increase volume for their providers. AGI reduced the number of providers to allow them achieve more scale and put AGI in a better negotiating position. In that way, AGI could benefit from the bigger scale and continuing consolidation of their providers. Notice that the Gross margin of Mercury is 44%, while it is 50% for AGI. Therefore, with better negotiations for the Mercury products there is an opportunity for reducing COGS in $25M. Elimination of duplicated costs in China. Eliminate the surplus of people the company have in China. AGI manage their providers in China with 85 employees, and Mercury manages 73 professional. The merged company can eliminate at least the 73 professionals of Mercury. The value of 73 employees is $1.7M per year (assuming an average monthly payroll and related of $20k per employee).
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Delivering Business Value with IT at Hefty Hardware Essay
Introduction Hefty Hardware’s perspective is to exhibit a business procedure known as savvy store confronting tests. This has shown crashing viewpoints between IT specialists and organization of Hefty Hardware’s business functioning. Eventually undertaking the task has been an immense test. This is what the research attempt involves. This paper shows a peek view of the relationship between IT and Hefty Hardware’s business. According to my understanding, the relationship between Hefty Hardware and IT are granulating ceaselessly weakest point. They do not appear as if they exist together. Rather, they exist as two different cases. Business and IT targets are not intentionally balanced despite of the selective principles towards IT effect more on business. Breaking down the situations, it appears to be lack of energetic participation of IT conflict in the framework change of Savvy Store program. Shortcomings of Business and IT There are many identified and unidentified issues under control that IT and business sectors at Hefty Hardware need to be resolved. Initially, staff in IT office seems to have nonappearance of adapting on how the affiliation functions are going on. The scope that the other IT selection goes, the establishment of IT framework in the affiliation simply pivots around making efficient and genuine IT structure to give a successful stage to business performance. The usual accord in the affiliation is that IT doesn’t assist clearly to business goals and simply go about as support for business framework planning. Consistent change of activity and may be the character and community of the division’s backdrop could be the establishment of the explanation behind the issue that realized the stagnant IT framework. To resolve these issues, a team work should be established between IT and business to ensure a strong relationship for both to represent their excellence. Identifying an issue under these circumstances is typically very hard due to no proper communication between both departments. CITATION Luc13 l 1033 (Lucasdebartolo, 2013) To assemble a granted adapting between both players, IT people need to reasonably decipher specific tongues into reasonable business execution and terms by discarding dialect however much as could sensibly be normal. IT experts need to be talented in all activities on deck, remembering the finished objective of effectively relate the IT exercises to the arrangement of activity. For example, IT workers should be capable and undertaken in couple of business sessions for better presentation. A workforce with force can have extra ordinary effect and need to determine the crash between both gatherings in a positive way. In this effort Jeeny plays a part and Farzad to chip in deal for a successful raise. By sharpening the clarity and skillful, trust between the IT and business chiefs may be developed and essentially fast victory. Through execution of these composed game plan, maintained by full support by managerial level, it is more likely for the Savvy Store movement to be productive. CITATION Luc13 l 1033 (Lucasdebartolo, 2013)Effectiveness of IT/Business Partnership Business and IT won’t work effectively. Jenny Hendreson undoubtedly has an understanding of the needs of business and how IT limits and have the ability to help vanquish any block between these two work places. After a detailed research it clarifies that Farzad Mohammed identifies there are insufficiencies similarly and has all the assets of being keen to work to modify and improve the relationship among two associations. It appears to me that the current organization design may be at flaw for a authoritative partition of the shortcomings, it influence be fine to bring specific experts into social affairs with the business side of the affiliation, yet in case their manager is not prepared to keep up a worthy course for the dialog, and depict to the IT staff why examining advancement in innovations or security, is a pointless activity to get together there is clearly a different. Additionally, the information regarding CIOS changing with some measure of ordinariness exhibits that a feasible CIO has not been put set up, it has all the earmarks of being as they are all things considered exorbitantly particular and not able to see the timberland through the tress the degree that taking apart with the business. Though the structure themself is a limitation of IT, the way that persons who are both IT and commercial cunning have not remained put into executive positions is a decreasing level of the business adjacent of association. CITATION Luc13 l 1033 (Lucasdebartolo, 2013)Recommended plan for Savvy Store program How effective is the collaboration between business and IT at Hefty Hardware? Determine the deficiency of both business and IT. There are communication concerns between business and IT sectors. The relationship confidential the whole association does not work adequately, Hefty does not arise up with a composite way that initiatives both IT and commercial organization, hereafter ignoring to proposal a solid IT methodology. The limitations of IT, as Cheryl and Glen said that IT individuals don’t completely see certain of their important business meets potentials, those IT persons can’t transmit the business necessities with their specific work, putting sideways a couple of minutes to permit on any sort of development to the field, here and there level can’t meet objective of business plans. Appreciation to the insufficiencies of the business office, lack of consistency and facilitated exertion with IT people, they can’t proceed on their concise specific necessities to the IT sector. Rather, in the same way Glen and Paul consequently throb for IT people to satisfy couple valuable livelihoods, which are not their responsibilities. CITATION Cha12 l 1033 (Chaosfree, 2012)Plan for how device business and IT can work to deliver Savvy Store program. Initially, engage IT individuals, not all top specialists on the other hand, go to the field trip. Consequently, not impartial they could rise the definite business requirements, also would have the ability to existing and entire arrangement of store process, which would be a fundamental part of Savvy store databaseCITATION Cha12 l 1033 (Chaosfree, 2012). Secondly, Jenny the IT account executive, should go about as backing between business and IT offices, make an effort to modify IT establishments and business framework to w ork them effectively and skilled. The VP, CIO and COO must have a conference to measure the specific strategy to supersede individuals. Reference: Chaosfree. (2012). Delivering business value with IT at Hefty Hardware. html. Retrieved from (2013). Delivering business value with it at Hefty Hardware. Cognizant. (2013) Maximizing Business Value Through Effective IT Governance Retrieved from cognizant:
Eddie loves Catherine Essay
The reason why Eddie loved Catherine so much is because she knew everything about him and had the qualities that Eddie liked. Eddie treated her like a child because he did not want he to realise that she was growing up. Eddie liked this because he could have control over her. At this point this is when the audience realises that Eddie has no hopes except from the hopes of having a woman he can never have. The audience may think that Eddie is selfish because he will not let Catherine lead her own life. By looking at the way eddies personality changes I think that he is having a mid-life crisis. There are different types of relationships in the play: The relationship with Eddie and Catherine is incestuous love. The relationship between Beatrice and Eddie is platonic love. The relationship between Rodolpho and Eddie is they are like rivals trying to get Catherine. The relationship between Marco and Eddie is hatred. The relationship between Alfieri and Eddie that Alfieri is eddies lawyer. I feel that Catherine is partly to blame because she knew everything about Eddie and so she should have realised his feeling to wards her. Also she should have not acted like a child all the time allowing Eddie to have control over her. I feel sorry for Marco because he is a good person trying to give his family a good future but Eddie destroys his plans. I also feel sorry for Rodolpho because he done what everyone does, falls in love. We can tell that he is a good person because he tries to make up with Eddie. I think Beatrice has no self-esteem because she does everything that Eddie tells her and does not stick up for herself. I think that Eddie is helpless. He is obsessed with work and I think that he has no future. I think that because he did not get his only hope that he did not mind dying. I do not feel sorry for Eddie dying because he is a back stabber and should not of done what he done. I think that he is very over protective and over reacted when he found out that Catherine was in love. The audiences’ reaction might be different to mine but I was shocked when Marco killed Eddie because I thought that it might have been Rodolpho that killed him because of all the things that Eddie done to him.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
19th Century Welfare Provision History Essay
19th Century Welfare Provision History Essay In what ways was 19th century welfare provision shaped by the socially constructed distinction between the deserving and undeserving poor and with what consequences for these different groups in terms of the type of welfare assistance available to them?. The origins of the Welfare State in the United Kingdom go back to Elizabethan times. The introduction of the Poor Laws was the first legislative attempt to ensure that the poor had the means to live. This method continued until the Industrial Revolution, when provision for the poor changed. The Welfare State in its modern form began with the introduction of reforms between 1906 and 1914 by the Liberal Government. These reforms included the introduction of National Insurance, Old Age Pensions and Free School Meals. In the increasingly complex society that emerged in the 19th century industrialised Britain, there was , and has continued t be, a need to support people who are unable to cope without state social welfare provision and br ing order to social life. The Second World War then led to the development of welfare legislation designed to ensure that everybody in the United Kingdom had access to quality healthcare. This resulted in the introduction of the National Health Service and a range of health education and disease prevention measures being introduced in post war Britain. In the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the enactment of the first Elizabethan Poor Law in 1601 philanthropy was characterized by various hierarchical relationships within the feudal structure. Help for others was pre-eminently a matter of royal contributions, but was also greatly supplemented by personal charity on the part of the wealthy. Religion and concerns about life after death drove many to charitable works. Churches continually increased their position in society and began to take a prominent role in philanthropic endeavours. Over time the church’s role evolved, becoming one of the main instr uments of charitable actions. A historical perspective is important in understanding british social policy development. Loking at the influence of 19th century social, economic and political change, particularly the A wide range of personal motivations contributed to philanthropic participation, as helping others was seen as emotionally and socially stimulating. While much was accomplished in this period, charity was often erratic and did not always fully meet the needs of the recipients. Robert Morris (1986) Philanthropy can be defined as the provision of financial, material, and ideal resources for cultural, social, and educational institutions. During the course the 19th century these aims increasingly came to fruition through foundations, limited dividend companies, membership organizations, or by bequests and donations, and were generally facilitated by middle to upper class people. Thomas Adam (2001) Charity organization movements were one of the key characteristics of Victorian era philanthropists. With the emergence of nation states prior to and during this period, poverty and social welfare gradually became embodied in law. State advocated reform was often frenzied, highly bureaucratic, and humiliating to the poor who received aid. However, as the duties of governments increased, aid societies and philanthropists also expanded their organizational efforts.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17
Case Study Example She has no time to socialize and communicate inspite of having an assistant. She was not very accessible and the communication took time because of her delayed response to e-mails or messages and handover with the assistant. Studying the organizational behavior of Julie, it can be observed that she seems to have a good relationship with everyone in the university. She received good appraisals from her manager Pat Griffiths. She also received positive reviews from other faculty members. However, the surrounding environment has played a role in these relationships. Julie had several opportunities to interact with her colleagues and faculty members in informal gatherings which she did not do with Susan. Hence, there was a friendly emotional climate between Julie and other faculty members which was absent in case of Susan. This may have led to cognitive dissonance changing her attitude towards Susan. All full time faculty members Julie works with, apart from Susan, are men. Therefore, there is a high probability of gender dynamics creeping in. Also, her manager is a man. Men could have a favorable gender bias while evaluating or appraising women. Susan is a woman and is bound to have a different kind of relationship with Julie. Mental ability could also have an impact on the conflict between Julie and Susan. As confessed by Julie herself, she has been doing a lot of easy and normal work while the work given by Susan needed greater effort. Julie may not have the ability to handle such work due to her education or experience in the past which impacts her productivity. Studying the organizational behaviour of Susan, she seems to be highly occupied with work. Her work habits seem to be a result of her neurotic personality. Susan’s personality traits are that of an introvert which are quite opposite to that of Julie. In addition, Susan’s communication through Internet or messages has been ineffective. While Julie’s inability may be
Monday, August 12, 2019
The J.C. Penney Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The J.C. Penney Case - Assignment Example Having said the above, it would also be stressed that the fact that the components of the new business model worked together did not necessarily mean that they could achieve the goal for which they were set. It cannot also be said that the components could lead to the expected results of the company. The lapses came because there were some key components that were missing from what was institutionalized. More specifically, the new business model had eliminated the role of customers as there was no market research leading up to the implementation of the model. Meanwhile, customers have been identified as very important stakeholders in the success of any business model (Ofek & Avery, 2012).One major deficiency that can be seen from the administration of Johnson is that its business model was totally disjointed from its pricing strategy. As a matter of fact, the aggressive sales expert team that was institutionalized as a result of the new business model could have functioned best if th ere were specific promotions they were championing. The business model was however brought in place after the old pricing strategy which was the high-low pricing strategy had been scrapped. This created a total disconnect between the business model and the pricing strategy because there was virtually no promotion in place for the sales experts to pursue. Meanwhile, the customer base of the company had repeated given signal to the fact that it preferred to have promotional sales in place.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Applied Research Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Applied Research Method - Essay Example Furthermore, leaders of these organizations must be able to keep the reputation of their country in mind and expand their knowledge about other countries, so they are able to effectively market to individuals in these countries, as well as in their own (Thomas, Pollock, and Gorman, 1999). Leaders in these companies must see to it that their products and services are of the highest quality. High quality products and services will insure that these companies take the lead in their respective industries. In addition to all of this, it is imperative that company leaders motivate their workers and give them incentives to work hard because hard workers will insure the success and long-term stability of the company. Properly educating workers is also helpful in that this enables companies to develop the means that they need for optimal competitiveness (Petrick, Fall, Scherer, Brodzinski, and Quinn, 1999). In addition to the need to possess these particular skills, leaders of multinational o rganizations must use the resource-based view of the firm along with the theory of competence-based competition. According to an article found in the British Journal of Management, â€Å"The resource-based view of the firm and the theory of competence-based competition can be used in answering basic questions regarding competition and rivalry†(Thomas and Pollock, 1999). It is crucial that such questions be answered if companies want to stay ahead of their competition and remain successful for years to come. There are four multinational companies that we will discuss that made use of all of these skills. As a result, they are very successful today, and they enjoy a reputation of being the lead in their respective industries. There are case studies that prove this to be fact. First, we will look at Capston-Whites Document Management and Production Services (CW). CW is a company that provides products and
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