Thursday, October 31, 2019
Enchanted Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Enchanted - Essay Example It not only spreads the feeling of joy and magic, but also makes the audience laugh at the funny situations that story creates. The movie makes the audience experience everything beautiful and funny that life has to offer. Hence, due to its fantasy world characters, colorful costumes, romantic pursuits, music and dream like story, the movie not only fulfills all the genre requirement of romantic/screwball comedy, but provides all the attributes of romantic comedy in abundance and in generous way. Definition The movie Enchanted, which is directed by Kevin Lima, not only entertains the audience with laughter and romance, but also takes them on an exotic fantasy ride. With its attributes of romance and comedy, the movie can be truly called a romantic/screwball comedy. In conventional way, screwball comedy is defined as â€Å"a distinct genre of film comedy which lampoons on the private lives of members of the upper class†(Laham 25). In earlier days, the aim behind making screwba ll comedy films was to excite the audience by â€Å"thrusting the main characters of those movies into improbable and embarrassing romantic complications which belie their status as dignified and respected members of the upper class†(Laham 25). It is clear from the definition that a screwball comedy has elements of both romance and comedy. If we go by this definition, then the movie Enchanted has all the attributes of the screwball comedy genre. Moreover, according to communication studies professor Robert Miller, the fantasy that is shown in the screwball comedy makes the audience to forget their ‘real world,’ which is usually harsh, and make them believe in the movie’s message that life should be fun (Laham 25). This opinion can be experienced completely through the movie Enchanted. The movie is not only filled with romance and comedy but is full of magical happenings and twists. One can find almost all the genre requirements of romantic/screwball comed y, like fantasy, romantic triangle, music and songs, social class conflict etc., in the movie. Romantic/screwball comedy attributes There are innumerable attributes in the movie which can be called as romantic/screwball comedy attributes. Right from the loving characters, story line, romantic base and musical theme, everything in the movie symbolizes love, joy, happiness and fantasy. However, the most important attribute of the movie is the journey of the characters from the world of fantasy to the world of reality, which is portrayed through transition of characters from animation world to the real world. Transition of characters In the movie Enchanted, some of the lead characters are shown being forced from a land in animated world (called Andalasia) to the world of ‘reality,’ the New York City. This transition has proved to be one of the most interesting attribute of a romantic/screwball comedy. The lead character of the movie, Giselle, her romantic interest Prince E dward, Nanthaniel, Pip and Queen Narissa are shown transiting from the animation world (Andalasia) to the New York City. Their efforts to keep up with the customs and manners of real world are a great delight to watch. For example, when Giselle finds herself on the Times Square after being pushed by Narissa, she creates lot of flutter on the street. Her wedding dress creates a lot of problem for her as she dashes almost everyone with her dress while walking on the foot path. This causes a lot of laughter.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Consulting Sanario Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Consulting Sanario - Research Paper Example Being a person that pays attention to detail, I would see myself as a note taker and organizer. As others propose ideas, I can then assimilate tasks to individual team members based on their ascribed strengths and weaknesses (Miller, 2008, p. 19). Working with a timeline, I can then strive to propose set deadlines that each task should be completed under in order that we are successful. In addition, I will work to allow enough flexibility to account for any last minute emergencies that may arise. The key component in a consulting firm is to deliver a quality product to customers, on time, every time (Larbi and Springfield, 2004, p. 102). That should be our primary focus as a team moving forward. During this program of study, I have learned the importance of follow-through in the business world. As such, it would be my aim to be a part of a consulting firm who only accepts projects that they know fits into their area of expertise and they are confident they can perform an excellent an d effective job. If we do that, then we should be well on our way to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Genetic Transformation in E Coli
Genetic Transformation in E Coli Genetic Transformation is the act of changing of DNA in an organism by adding new genes, which may be done in multiple ways. The addition of new genes to DNA could have an almost infinite amount of advantages, ranging from studying the cultures of bacteria that become immune to modern medicine, to making artificial animal proteins. In a CNN article written by Matt Ford, scientists are using genetic transformation to do research on the use of growing animal proteins that the scientists claim will be healthier for the plant and mean less animal cruelty. However, the idea of artificially grow animal protein is still very controversial. In the experiment performed by our lab, we used the idea of heat shock to genetically transform E coli. Heat shock is the process of exposing the cells to a temporary yet extreme increase in temperature, which temporarily opens the membranes of the cells. The purpose of opening these membranes is that the genes that are placed in the surrounding area will slip into the cell and become part of the DNA of that cell. In this experiment, we were testing whether or not the heat therapy opened the membranes of the cells, and therefore attempting to complete genetic transformation. In the paper Nonchromosomal Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria: Genetic Transformation of Escherichia coli by R-Factor DNA by Stanley N. Cohen, Annie C.Y. Chang, and Leslie Hsu is also an example of this kind of genetic transformation on E Coli. After the E. Coli was exposed to CaCl2, the E coli did not fully become resistant to antibiotics. The reason was that the E coli also needed the right temperature and conditions for the genes to fully become effective in the E coli. After the E coli was introduced to a heated environment for a short time, and then allowed to change and grow in an incubated environment, the resistance for the antibiotics increased in the E coli. While there have been cases where it was found that heat shock therapy was no t necessary to engage the genetic transformation cycle, as shown in the article One-step preparation of competent Escherichia coli: transformation and storage of bacterial cells in the same solution, we still used the idea of heat shock therapy for our experiment. To begin the experiment, we took two microcentrifuge tubes and labeled them +pGLO and -pGLO. Next, taking a micropipette with a clean tip we put 250 microliters of transformation solution into each of our microcentrifuge tubes. We then put ice into a beaker large enough for ice and our two tubes, and put these materials into the beaker. After, a sterile loop was used to take a single colony of bacteria into each of our tubes, using separate loops to keep them sterile and avoid contamination. After obtaining another new sterile loop, we put the loop into a tube marked pGLO plasmid DNA. This loop was then put into the tube labeled +pGLO and mixed. After this, we left both tubes in the ice beaker for at least ten minutes to get them and their contents to a lower temperature. While these are on ice, we obtained 4 Luria Broth (LB) nutrient agar plates from our lab provider; one LB plate, two LB/ampicillin plates, and one LB/ampicillin /arabinose plates were given to us. After the ten minu tes were over, both tubes were place in water that was 42 degrees Celsius for 50 seconds. After this warm water treatment, we immediately place the tubes back into the ice beaker. After two minutes in the ice beaker, we removed the tubes from the ice beaker. Using a clean tip for each tube on the micropipette, we added 250 microliters of LB nutrient broth to the +pGLO tube and the -pGLO tube and let mixtures sit for ten minutes. After the ten minutes, we gently flicked the tubes to mix the contents of the tubes. Then, we added 100 microliters of +pGLO to the LB/amp nutrient agar plate, 100 microliters of +pGLO to the LB/amp/are plate, 100 microliters of -pGLO to the LB/amp plate, and 100 microliters of -pGLO to the LB plate. Using a new clean and sterile loop for each plate, spread the mixtures of each plate so that they are mixed up well, while being sure not to press hard into the plate. We then closed the plates with their lids and stacked them on top of each other, putting tape around them to keep them in order. We then placed the plates into an incubator for one week. In this experiment, we introduced the pGLO plasmid to E. coli bacteria so that the cells were genetically transform a resistance to ampicilin as well as the ability to produce the protein that causes a glow. We used heat shock therapy in order to introduce the pGLO plasmid stored in an incubation unit the bacteria in agar plate containing ampicilin, arabinose and nutrient broth. As a result, the agar plate containing nutrient broth with the bacteria that had not been given the pGLO plasmid had bacteria grow in the plate. The plate containing nutrient broth and ampicilin with the bacteria, which was not given any pGLO, did not have any bacterial growth in the plate. The plate with nutrient broth and ampicilin that had the bacteria that had been given pGLO did grow new bacteria, but it did not glow. The final plate containing nutrient broth, ampicilin and arabinose and the bacteria that had been given pGLO both grew new bacteria and also glowed under the light. I stated that I believed that the E. coli bacteria that had been given pGLO would not only grow in the presence of ampicilin, but would also glow in the light when there was also arabinose. The results of the experiment did not disprove my hypothesis since the bacteria that had been given pGLO grew in both of the plates with ampicilin present, and glowed in the plate with arabinose present as well. The results of this experiment were consistent with other similar experiments with the same use of heat therapy on genetic transformation. A prime example is the experiment conducted by Cohen, Chang and Hsu in which the method of heat shock was used to introduce antibiotic resistance to E. coli bacteria (Cohen, Chang, Hsu, 1972). The results of the experiment showed that the introduction of R-factor DNA could genetically transform E. coli bacteria to have certain resistances. This experiment helps support our findings since their procedure and outcomes were very similar to our experiment. A few possible errors that occurred in our experiment could include the fact that the bacteria sat for a week after the first part of the experiment instead of being examined after 24 hours, which may have altered the amount of bacteria that was cultured. Also, it was almost impossible to get two halves of the same colony so it is possible that the two samples of E. coli were not genetically identical. However, we do not believe that our experiment had been sufficiently flawed to cause significant error Citations: 1. Meat is murder? Well, perhaps not for much longer. By Matt Ford. Accessed 11-11-2009 2. Nonchromosomal Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria: Genetic Transformation of Escherichia coli by R-Factor DNA by Stanley N. Cohen, Annie C.Y. Chang, and Leslie Hsu. Accessed 11-10-2009 3. One-step preparation of competent Escherichia coli: transformation and storage of bacterial cells in the same solution by C T Chung, S L Niemela,, and R H Miller. accessed 11-10-2009 Donna Weedman, 2009 Life 102 Attributes of Living Systems, Cache House Inc. Eden Prairie, MN
Friday, October 25, 2019
Euthanasia: Whose Life Is It? :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide
Euthanasia: Whose Life Is It? Imagine a body slowly and excruciatingly being broken down by an unseen and uncontrollable invader. Now imagine that there is a law preventing anyone from ending that suffering. Welcome to the argument over euthanasia. Euthanasia is defined as "the act or practice of killing out of mercy." Euthanasia technically exists in four categories: active, passive, voluntary, and involuntary. Passive euthanasia is the act of removing all treatments and forms of life support intended to prolong life or cure illness, and allowing the patient to die of natural causes. Active euthanasia consists of an outside force actually causing the death of the patient, or hastening the death with the use of drugs and other tools. When the patient is fully competent and capable of making this life or death decision on his or her own, it is considered voluntary euthanasia. If the decision is made for the patient, due to him or her being rendered incapable of this sentient conclusion, it is labeled as involuntary euthanasia. For the past several decades, this has been a major issue, making its way from activist groups to the Supreme Court. The debate over euthanasia was ignited publicly in 1988 with an article published in The New England Journal of Medicine about an experience in committing active euthanasia. The act of euthanasia, in either passive or active form, is acceptable in only one nation in the world. Even there, in the Netherlands, it is permitted in only certain cases as specified and supervised by the legal system, and has yet to be fully legalized. Euthanasia should be legalized because it is a personal choice. The argument over euthanasia is complex and multi-faceted; particularly dealing with the responsibility of those involved in the act. Many people, in the argument against euthanasia, claim that if euthanasia were made legal in the United States, physicians would abuse that law. They say that insurance companies would place pressure on the doctors to encourage this choice in their patients to save costs. Another claim is that the physicians may shrug off their responsibility to their patients and choose the quick and easy way out while charging a hefty cost.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Elder Abuse Essay
Elder abuse is a horrible problem: during people’s sunset years, they should relax and be comfortable, not have to worry about abuse from family members and caregivers. However, the issue of people abusing the vulnerable elderly is a growing one in the United States. What causes it? This essay explains a growing theory that accounts for the causes of elder abuse. According to Quinn and Tomita (1997), there are five main hypotheses for elder abuse (Quinn & Tomita, 1997, pp. 86-87). The first is simple power: some people simply focus on dependency issues (Quinn & Tomita, 1997, pp. 86-87). Others are acting out due to the stress of acting as a caregiver; this is particularly common within family caregiving settings (Quinn & Tomita, 1997, pp. 86-87). Another hypothesis states that elder abuse is simply caused because some individuals have grown up in families that solve problems with violence (Quinn & Tomita, 1997, pp. 86-87). Another hypothesis claims that some are related to ind ividual abuser’s problems, such as substance abuse and depression (Quinn & Tomita, 1997, pp. 86-87). Finally, the last hypothesis states that in some societies, elders have lost their personhood due to greed, lookism, and hatred of the disabled. Most other studies support at least one of these hypotheses. For example, Brandl and Raymond found that the most common cause of elder abuse was caregiver stress, regardless of whether the caregiver was a family member or professional; they also emphasize the role of the elderly person: an abused child may abuse their parent once the parent is frail, for example; this connects to Quinn and Tomita’s hypotheses of violent families and individual abuser’s problems (Brandl & Raymond, 2012). Nerenberg, too, claims that caregiver stress is the main cause of elder abuse (Nerenberg, 2002). She emphasizes the perspective of the caregiver, particularly the first-time caregiver, as these individuals are more likely to engage in elder abuse (Nerenberg, 2002). Meanwhile, Hawes focuses on professional caregivers’ abuse of the elderly in long-term care facilities (Hawes, 2003). Hawes does not offer many causes, but hints at them by discussing the low pay and high-stress nature of caregiving jobs (Hawes, 2003). Thomason ascribes the causes of elder abuse to a changing society in which people live longer and are ill-prepared for caretaking (Thomason, 2011). He emphasizes the social causes of elder abuse, focusing on the need to make everyone aware of the issues related to elder abuse and aging (Thomason, 2011). In contrast, and by focusing on the individual level, Vetere emphasizes caregiver burnout as a major cause of elder abuse (Vetere, 2011). Bronwell addresses the causes of elder abuse only implicitly, but presents data on the low pay and long hours in the caregi ving industry and also discusses the aspects of burnout and frustration that can cause family-based elder abuse to occur (Brownwell & Podnicks, 2005). In addition to discussing the elderly abusing themselves by failing to engage in self-care, they also offer data that some risk factors mean one is more likely to become an abuser: a low level of education, mental retardation (by the caregiver), substance abuse by either the elder or the caregiver, a prior history of violence or psychiatric issues, and stress (Gorbien & Eisenstein, 2005, p. 282). Gorbien and Eisenstein (2005) proposed five archetypes for abusers of the elderly, which are the overwhelmed, the impaired (e.g., mentally or physically), the narcissistic, the bullying, and the sadistic (Gorbien & Eisenstein, 2005, p. 284). In keeping with the overall causes mentioned by Quinn and Tomita, these archetypes offer reasons individuals may turn to abuse (Quinn & Tomita, 1997). Thus it can be said that a theory for the causation o f elder abuse is that within a context of a society that is poorly equipped to deal with the elderly, and within an individualist, looks-oriented society that discriminates against the disabled, many people are ashamed or frustrated by their relatives’ (or clients’, in the case of professional caregivers) decline. This feeling of helplessness and disgust, combined with stress and burnout – exacerbated due to the poor preparation most family caregivers have, and the long hours and poor pay offered to many professional caregivers – creates a context in which abuse is likely. Additional factors, like abuse from the elders themselves (e.g., bitter about losing capacity, holding long grudges against family members, aggression due to cognitive decline such as through Alzheimer’s) can spark an abusive incident. Moreover, if an individual has any of the characteristics noted by Gorbien and Eisenstein, they may be more likely to abuse. Working towards a theory of elder abuse, one can imagine a flow chart (provided on the next page). First, the background of this abuse occurs against a context of a society fiercely focused on beauty and ableism. Second, if an individual ends up caring for an elder and they are poorly prepared or compensated, this context intensifies. Third, if an individual is impaired in some way, he or she will quickly become burned out and stressed. Fourth, pre-existing interpersonal factors like abuse are exemplified in elder caregiver situations. Fifth, some personality types (narcissists who want others to admire them for their s upposed selflessness; sociopaths) want to care for elders for their own sick needs. Sixth, if a caregiver has a risk factor such as low IQ, low education, substance abuse, or mental health issues, he or she is more likely to be an abuser. Finally, caregivers suffer burnout, and eventually, when caring for an elder individual, they may engage in a violent incident. This theory is outlined in the flowchart below, which moves from left to right. Major causes are represented by larger circles. Works Cited Brandl, B., & Raymond, J. A. (2012). Elder Abuse and the Elder Justice Movement in America. San Francisco, CA: American Society on Aging. Brownwell, P., & Podnicks, E. (2005). Long-Overdue for the Critical Issue of Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Global Policy and Practice Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gorbien, M. J., & Eisenstein, A. R. (2005). Elder Abuse and Neglect: An Overview. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. Hawes, C. (2003). Elder Abuse in Residential Long-Term Care Settings: What Is Known and What Information Is Needed? Washington, DC: National Academies Press,. Nerenberg, L. (2002). Preventing Elder Abuse by Family Caregivers. Washington, D.C.: National Council on Elder Abuse. Quinn, M. J., & Tomita, S. K. (1997). Elder Abuse and Neglect: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention Strategies. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Thomason, D. (2011). Addressing The Cause of Elder Abuse: A Critical Component to Aging Health Policy. Retrieved October 16, 2013, from Kaplan Unv iersity Online: Vetere, P. M. (2011). Elder Abuse: What Are We Missing? Ottawa: The College of Family Physicians of Canada. Woolf, L. M. (1998). Elder Abuse and Neglect. St. Louis, MO: Webster University.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Genetically Modified Foods Essay
The world is slowly running out of food. Impoverished people have nowhere to turn. Biotechnology researchers think they have found a way to reverse the world famine. This way is through genetically modified foods which are foods that come from genetically engineered organisms. Examples of such organisms are sheep, cows, and fish. However, since it is a new invention, it is being met with harsh and legitimate concerns. While it may help the world’s food crisis, it may also do that at the expense of human health. Moreover, In the 90’s in the USA, the Food and Drug Administration decided that genetically modified food was safe and did not require special regulation. They stated that is was, â€Å"not inherently dangerous. †(FDA, 1998). This allowed genetically modified food such as soybean oils and tomatoes to enter the market. There are lots of ideas about the GMF. Some scientists say that it is no harmful affects of GMF and it may be a solution for scarcity of food and even it is healthy. However, some others say that GMFs are dangerous for public health. And It can damage biodiversity. Genetically modified foods may be a good solition to increase the amount of food. The problem is there are lots of people go to sleep hungry everyday and the number of hungry people is getting bigger. And International Food Policy Research Institute state there are â€Å"120 devoloping countries†which are very close to limit of hunger and â€Å"57 of which with a serious or worse hunger situation. (Global Hunger Index, 7) The reason of this hunger is there is not enough food to feed them and because the world population is getting higher but the areas which use in farming are getting smaller. Farmers could not find suitable area to plant their crops. That is why, They have to find a different solution to be productive. Conko argues that biotech agriculture is the method by which we can increase agricultural productivity without resorting to increases in harmful chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. In the Genetic Modification it says that genetic modification provides a means to confer resistance to broad-spectrum herbicides into crops where current weed control is considered difficult. In this way, farmers can be more productive and they can get more product on their fields. â€Å"In the United States, in 2002 about 5. 5 million farmers in 145 nations were planting more than 145 million acres worth of GM crops. †(Conko) On the other hand, genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops might have a negative impact on biodiversity. Genetically Modified crops have an impact on birds and insect. A crop plant modified to be toxic to insect pests can have a direct harmful effect on non-target insects if they eat the plant. It can also have an indirect effect by reducing the insects that are a food source for other wildlife, such as farmland birds. Genetically Modified crops that are tolerant to herbicides could also lead to a reduction in weed populations that act as refuges for beneficial insects, and those that are eaten by birds. This process takes time because of this GM crops evaluate as a good solution but it can destroy the biological diversity. And US conservation organization Royal Society,founded in London In 1660 is a learned society for science, support it. They state that the likelihood of the spread of Genetically modified into the wild populations, the risk of superweeds being produced, the impact Genetically modified introductions might have on the colonies of micro organisms living in the soil and how such risks can be assesed and analysed. Also John Innes Centre, Founded in England is an independent centre for research and training in plant and microbial science, state that Monarch butterfly larvae fed only on leaves covered in pollen from Bt corn grew more slowly and suffered higher death rates and pink bollworm fed on cotton producing the Bt toxin. Aphids fed on Genetically Modified potatoes producing a different toxin were also reported to have a harmful effect on ladybirds feeding on the aphids. Genetically Modified crops can be beneficial for health in terms of their food value. Foods include lots of vitamins which are necessary to our body. In early days, our foods were full of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrate and they were occupied with value. However, now there are not enough foods which are full of value. Because there are lots of environmental factors like global warming which causes to summers takes long time, and scarcity of water, and also some pests. These factors effect the crops and farmers have to use pesticide and this cause to decrease food value. And it leads lots of health problems. And the one of the most important health problem is Vitamin A deficiency. This is the cause of at least â€Å"1 million childhood deaths†each year and is â€Å"considered the single most serious cause of blindness amongst children†in the developing countries. â€Å"A possible solution to this problem is the genetic modification of rice. †( Potrykus, quoted inGenetic Modification) Although GM foods are benefical for the food value, in some circumstances, it can be very harmful for human health. Without too much control eating genetically modified food can be dangerous and it can lead lots of diseases like Eosonophil Myalgia Syndrome. In this debate, the Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology, is a website to educate the general public about genetic engineering in general and foods, revealed that After eating a food supplement produced by genetically engineered bacteria, â€Å"37 persons were killed 1500 people were permanently disabled†in the US in a disease called Eosonophil Myalgia Syndrome. It was caused by one or more extremely poisonous substances that unexpectdedly appeared in this food supplement. This accident confirms the predictions of molecular biologists that genetic engineering can cause the appearance of dangerous unexpected substances. As a Conclusion, there are lots of arguments in the GMF. Maybe It can be a solution for lots of problems, maybe it can be invention of the this century. I think, however, without too much researching about GMF we cannot use it to gain profit. Because human health is important than anything. We have to more careful. In the future, After very deep research about the GMF, we can solve the sustanibility problem.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Pregnancy
There is much controversy over pregnancy’s initiated by older women. In the controversy there are several viewpoints as to why a pregnancy may be either beneficial or harmful for both the parent and child. Statistically, America has seen a shift in the number of pregnancies that occur into people thirties and even later. Numbers of late pregnancies are astounding to some people. According to the most current census, 44% of all births were to women over the age of thirty. If that is not surprising enough, of women aged 35-39 there was an increase of over 60% and for women in range of 40-44 there was a 50% increase. Many find it astounding for such a dramatic increase to occur within one decade. Women over the age of 35 may have difficulty conceiving a child. This is because at approximately the age of 30 there is a gradual decrease in fertility and as a result many older mothers are forces to undergo some type of fertility treatment in order to become pregnant. Once conception is achieved, there are other downsides to increased-age pregnancies. Unfortunately, with the older age, a woman is at greater risk of developing diabetes, fibroids or hypertensive disorders, which would affect the unborn child and could cause complications during birth. From the studies made on conceptions that occur at older ages there was found an increase of 5.5% chance that a mother under the age of 29 would have a pre-existing condition to 11.8% for women over thirty-five. Also, the number of complications that occur during pregnancy rose from 10.43% for women aged 20-29 to as many as 19.29% for those ranged 35-39 years old. Such complications may include: high blood pressure, third-trimester bleeding, and low lying placenta. Some other effects of older motherhood include the likelihood of included labor, fetal distress, the necessity of epidural anesthesia, or forceps delivery. In addition, there is a consensus in all studies made conc... Free Essays on Pregnancy Free Essays on Pregnancy There is much controversy over pregnancy’s initiated by older women. In the controversy there are several viewpoints as to why a pregnancy may be either beneficial or harmful for both the parent and child. Statistically, America has seen a shift in the number of pregnancies that occur into people thirties and even later. Numbers of late pregnancies are astounding to some people. According to the most current census, 44% of all births were to women over the age of thirty. If that is not surprising enough, of women aged 35-39 there was an increase of over 60% and for women in range of 40-44 there was a 50% increase. Many find it astounding for such a dramatic increase to occur within one decade. Women over the age of 35 may have difficulty conceiving a child. This is because at approximately the age of 30 there is a gradual decrease in fertility and as a result many older mothers are forces to undergo some type of fertility treatment in order to become pregnant. Once conception is achieved, there are other downsides to increased-age pregnancies. Unfortunately, with the older age, a woman is at greater risk of developing diabetes, fibroids or hypertensive disorders, which would affect the unborn child and could cause complications during birth. From the studies made on conceptions that occur at older ages there was found an increase of 5.5% chance that a mother under the age of 29 would have a pre-existing condition to 11.8% for women over thirty-five. Also, the number of complications that occur during pregnancy rose from 10.43% for women aged 20-29 to as many as 19.29% for those ranged 35-39 years old. Such complications may include: high blood pressure, third-trimester bleeding, and low lying placenta. Some other effects of older motherhood include the likelihood of included labor, fetal distress, the necessity of epidural anesthesia, or forceps delivery. In addition, there is a consensus in all studies made conc...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Geneva International Motor Show
The Geneva International Motor Show Introduction The 81st Geneva International Motors Show 2011 was conducted on 13th March at Geneva, Swiss. This event was one of the most significant motor shows across the world, as it was attended by more than 735,000 people. As an implication that this event was highly valued globally, the attendance was about 6% higher, above the expected capacity.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Geneva International Motor Show specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As noted by Geneva International Motor Show (2011: 1), this international event has been conducted in Geneva since the year 1905 and has been involving both traditional and modern motor vehicles. One of the main significant reasons why this large event has always been conducted in Geneva is that, Geneva Palexpo has always maintained high quality in the logistics in its preparation. This paper presents the factors which attributed to the ultimate remarkable performance o f Geneva Motor Show 2011. The Plan of the Event For a big event like Geneva International Motors Show, Gantt chart was mainly used to present the outlay of the entire event. According to Bowdin et al (2006: 133), Gantt charts are very simple and effective visuals used to present a plan of an event from one sequence to another in terms of time allocation. More so, the plan for this event using Gantt charts made it easier to schedule each particular activity with regard to the available data. Particularly, Gantt charts are useful in cases of finding sponsors and other marketing issues involved in large events like the Geneva International Motors show 211. By having a properly scheduled Gantt chart, facilitators like staff members find it easier to implement each scheduled activity with respect to the time allocated. The time plan for the Geneva International Motors Show 2011 is shown in appendix 1. Stakeholders for Geneva International Motors Show 2011 One of the most significant stak eholders for the Geneva International Motors Show 2011 was the participants. As reported by Palexpo (2011: 1), this is one of the most unique international events in terms of attendance, as the initially anticipated target number was about 700,000 visitors. It was amazing to register about 6% higher attendance than the anticipated capacity. In this case, the implication of this increased number of visitors in the event was higher number of participants than expected. Meanwhile, the motor show can be described as having been outstanding in its performance to attract such large number of participants. As a result, the host organizer tried very much to facilitate the availability of the appropriate requirements like the cars and other products, which needed to be in the right conditions. On the other hand, the host community, the people living in Palexpo, did their best to host such large number of visitors from various parts of the world. Considering the large number of clients expect ed in such an outstanding event, the team associated with the maintenance of logistics was entrusted with the role of sending invitations in order to settle the communities.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Particularly, all the preparations for the entire event had to be facilitated by the people living around Palexpo, since they were ultimately the host group. According to Geneva Palexpo (2011: 1), the community participated a lot in enhancing the maintenance and balancing of all logistics necessary for successful accomplishment of the anticipated goals and objectives of the entire event (Bowdin et al 2006: 137). According to Palexpo (2011: 1), the host organization for the Geneva International Motors Show was the Geneva Palexpo. Since this organization has been previously hosting this event for the previous years this event has been conducted in Swiss, it has for lon g remained to be the host up to date. More so, this event involved about 250 exhibitors who joined this year’s event. Since these inhibitors are from global context in their search for business partnerships, this event has really been of much significance in the global economy. In addition, more than 10 thousand Medias were present in the Geneva International Motor Show. The entire telecommunications network was properly fixed and managed to facilitate the coverage of the event by the media including TVs, Radios and web-based media. Certainly, all the stakeholders participated well, contributing to the overall success achieved in the event. Risk Assessment Hosting such a big event like the Geneva International Motors Show requires a high degree of risk assessment. Since the particular event involved high costs like that the cars, accommodation and hiring of officials to facilitate the vent required a lot of money. Considering that some marketing was still expected in this eve nt, marketers had to prepare themselves to create the most effective channels to present their commodities or services. Anticipating only 700,000 visitors in the event, there were some risks involved in planning for various resources usage in this event. Meanwhile, logistic team had given allowances of 2.5% of the entire budget for all the activities planned, basing on the previous trend of attendance to such an important big event (Palexpo 2011: 1). Particularly, much of risks were forecasted and planned in advance, which culminated to the overall success achieved in the event. The Supplies in the Geneva International Motor Show 2011 As it was planned, the main clients for this big event were the business people and lovers of cars. From the previous trends, the fans of cars have been attending this event in large number, and this facilitated in marketing of these cars involved.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Geneva International Motor Show specifical ly for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Being the largest Geneva Motors Show so far, the 81st event involved the most complex combination of cars ranging from the most modern to the oldest. In facilitating effective marketing of the cars involved, the media was found to be quite significant in promotion of the products involved (Geneva Palexpo 2011: 1). For instance, the internet and television were found to be the most effective media in marketing this event since it involve use of images which are the most accurate marketing strategies. Particularly, official websites were developed to enhance pleasant impression to the target customers before the actual event, as shown in appendix 2. Other social networks like the internet and the iphone were of great reliability due to their popularity among the people in marketing the event. In order to attract and retain the customers, some discounts were offered to individuals who arrived in the event early (Geneva In ternational Motor Show 2011: 1). In order to avoid delays and inconveniences in registering visitors in the event, online strategy to buy tickets was used. It should also be considered that, some tickets were physically available in major places like Cornavin Railway Station and other transport terminals within the town of Geneva. However, those who had the opportunity to buy the tickets online were issued with special codes which authenticated their payment for the tickets. As a result, limited queuing was made since the numbers involved could not have been manually served satisfactorily. According to Geneva International Motor Show (2011: 1) the accommodation facilities within the Geneva city and surrounding community were prepared early in advance with an aim of meeting the needs of the customers. Quite significantly, the security within the area was reinforced with an aim of maintaining peace throughout the event. Considering the diversity of the visitors involved in this event, the government of Swiss and other security organizations facilitated surveillance for all misconducts among the attendants in the entire event. Quite significantly, the positioning of the annual show venue, Palexpo, is quite strategic in the sense that, several means of transport link the place to the rest of the country and the world. For instance, various highways, railways and airport are available in the city, which facilitate quick and fast movement in or out of the city (Palexpo 2011: 1).Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More More than eight busses, two trains and airplanes in the Geneva International airport facilitated easy access into the point of the Geneva International Motors Show 2011 event. There are various parking grounds for different kinds of people including the disabled and the normal people, special groups and exhibitors among others within the Palexpo environs. As a result, all appropriate logistics necessary to facilitate successful accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the entire event (Matthews 2008: 51). More so, the supply of the products, mainly cars in the event was highly sustained. The restaurants within the city also offered food and boarding facilities for all the people who attended the entire event. In this show, very attractive cars were presented for sale. Though some of such cars were very expensive for middle income earners, their extra-ordinary sophisticated-nature enhanced their being sold in large numbers. In order to avoid various misinterpretations, the logis tics team provided a variety of services and products in the venue. For instance, broadcasting services were readily offered in all corners of the venue to inform the people of the overall progress of the entire event (Geneva International Motor Show 2011:1). Evaluation of the Logistics Required in the Event It is important to note that, the overall presentation of all the logistics in the event was largely successful. Considering the innovations employed in the event like the use of internet and other technological applications, high efficiency is achieved in this event. More so, the accommodation facilities provided in this event including the 4 and 5 star hotels sufficiently sustained all the visitors who attended the event. By having public address system in all corners of the event, effective updating of all the people in the event was facilitated. Since the show was very large, the large numbers which attended it could not be sustained by single broadcasting system for the pro ceedings. By establishing information centers in all floors of the show, high efficiency was highly realized (Shone and Parry 2004: 107). Nevertheless, the computers provided in the event for public use were not properly regulated. This resulted into many people waiting for long to surf as other took long in the browsers. On this basis, the logistics team should have provided the clients with guidelines and regulations involved in the usage of wireless services so as to enhance their access to all customers. As revealed by Geneva Palexpo (2011: 1), the overall event was a success despite the above inconveniences which resulted due to lack of accurate information about the expected number of customers in the event. Evaluation of the shut down process For overall shutting down of such enormous event like the one experienced in the Geneva International Motors Show 2011, a lot time is usually utilized. During the time of the closedown of Geneva International Motors Show, it was previous ly announced that about five thousand trucks were to move around the venue. The people were also involved in running sessions round the place in summing up the events. The truck drivers were previously guided on how to get out of the place before getting into the main venues leading out of the city. It should be remembered that, the truck drivers were being given CHF 100 at their entry in the main door, where during time of exit they were to give it back to the door man. As a result, the shutdown process of the event was very sequential and highly planned to entice all the visitors in that particular event (Geneva International Motor Show 2011: 2). Conclusion The 81st Geneva International Motors Show was effectively organized by competitive logistic team, as it remained remarkable among the world most celebrated events. More so, the anticipated number of participants in the event exceeded by 6%, implying its popularity among the customers and the marketers. Generally, all the facili ties required like transport, accommodation and information services were sufficiently facilitated by the logistics team. Despite some inconveniences caused by lack of proper regulation of the wireless services within the event, it was an overall success for all the stakeholders involved. During the shutdown of the event, all the processes were sequentially organized which made the entire event to be quite enticing among all the participants. Perhaps, this can be described as one of the world events of highest standards due to its cordial organization and planning. List of References Bowdin, G., et al. (2006). Events Management, 2nd Edition. New York: Butterworth Heinemann. 123-154. Geneva International Motor Show. (2011). Info. Web. Geneva Palexpo. (2011). Access. Web. Matthews, D. (2008). Special Event Production: The Process. San Francisco: Wiley Publishers. 34-57. Palexpo. (2011). The 81st Geneva International Motor Show ended on Sunday. Web. Shone A. and Parry, B. (2004). Succe ssful Event Management – A Practical Handbook, 3rd Edition. London: Thomson Publishing Co. 89-134. Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Right Way to Stake a Tree
The Right Way to Stake a Tree Tree staking is never done with the intention of harming a tree. On the contrary, staking a tree reflects a desire to promote root and trunk growth and may protect a young tree from severe weather damage. But improper staking can hurt a tree. Fast Facts The three cardinal sins of tree staking:Staking too highStaking too tightlyStaking too long Risks of Staking Some tree planters dont understand that rather than help a trees root and trunk growth, improper tree staking can have negative consequences and could undermine a supportive trunk and root system. When an artificial supporting system is attached to a sapling, it prevents the wind-bending exercise needed to make trunk cells more flexible and to encourage spreading root support. The tree will put most of its resources into growing taller but discourage growth in trunk diameter and root spread. When the stakes are removed, a lack of trunk and root development could make the tree a prime candidate to be broken or blown down in the first good windstorm. It would have lost the supportive protection of natural development. Improper Staking Although trees staked improperly will grow taller, trunk caliper or diameter will decrease, a loss that will result in a weakness the tree cannot overcome during stressful weather conditions. Related to trunk diameter is taper, the reduction in trunk diameter from the butt to the top. A tree grown under natural conditions develops a genetically coded taper or trunk form that serves for a lifetime. Staking a tree causes less trunk taper and possibly even a reverse taper. Under this restricted condition, a trees xylem, the woody vascular tissue that carries water and minerals throughout the tree, will grow unevenly and yield a smaller root system, resulting in problems with water and nutrient uptake. The same thing can happen if the tree rubs on or is girdled by overly tight stake ties. Then, after the stakes are removed, the tree will be more likely to snap in high winds. When to Stake Most correctly dug balled and burlaped trees or container-grown tree seedlings and saplings dont need staking. If youre planting bare-root seedlings on a questionable site, you might consider staking them for a short time. If trees must be staked, attach the stakes to the tree as low as possible but no higher than two-thirds the height of the tree. Materials used to tie the tree to the stakes should be flexible and allow for movement all the way down to the ground so that trunk taper develops correctly. Remove all staking material after roots have established. This can be as early as a few months after planting but should be no longer than one growing season. Notes From a Horticulture Expert Linda Chalker-Scott, who has a doctorate in horticulture from Washington State University, says there are several reasons why people improperly stake trees: Containerized nursery trees often are staked for stability, and many consumers don’t understand that the staking material should be removed upon transplanting.Oral and written information from some retail nurseries instructs customers to stake their trees, whether or not they should. These instructions are sometimes incorrect and unnecessary.Some landscape architect specs describe outdated staking procedures that are followed by landscape installation companies.Little to no aftercare is provided for many tree installations. Without a management plan as part of an installation agreement, staking materials wont be removed at the appropriate time, if ever. According to Chalker-Scot: The first two practices are probably responsible for most incorrect staking in home landscapes, while the last two factors are probably responsible for most incorrect staking in public and commercial landscapes.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pancreatic cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pancreatic cancer - Research Paper Example Pancreatic cancer is known to be a lethal cancer which accounts for the fourth most renowned cancer which causes death in the United States of America. It starts with lesions in the epitheliums and may later on go to become invasive enough to cause death. This research essay would further revolve around the epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis of the pancreatic cancer. Pancreas is a complex gland having both exocrine and endocrine functions. The organ has a very important role to play in the digestion of substances in the body but as the pancreas has a retroperitoneal location it does not show the progression of diseases in the initial stages. Thus it is very hard to detect diseases of pancreas in the initial stages. The exocrine part of the gland secretes digestive enzymes which help in digesting food particles whereas the endocrine portion secretes only a limited number of enzymes such as insulin and glucagon. The major abnormalities caused by the non-functioning of the endocrine portion of the pancreas are diabetes mellitus and neoplasms. And the major diseases caused by the exocrine portion are related to the inflammation of the pancreas itself (Catalano et al 2009). With latest researches being carried out much has become known about many cancers but the exact cause of pancreatic cancer is yet to be found. Most of the individuals suffering from pancreatic cancer are adults who are above 60 (Gold & Goldin 1998). Many factors have been studied in relation to the pancreatic cancer and it has been found that smoking is one of the foremost external influence which can trigger the cancer (Gold & Goldin 1998). Similarly inflammation of pancreas is also known to be an important factor that may cause the cancer (Lowenfels et al 1997). However some individuals do argue that it is because of the pancreatic cancer that the inflammation of pancreas occurs. As all cancers are related to genetics, pancreatic cancer is also known to be associated with the relative
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on the Likelihood of Youth Essay
The Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on the Likelihood of Youth Entering - Essay Example In this study the author further asserts that these youth gangs develop negative identification with the law enforcers as well as the neighborhood residents. He further provides that youth gangs is not a new phenomenon in the society asserting that it dates back in 17th century where they were characterized with wearing of distinct colors for their identification and arose mainly from social and economic vacuum in their neighborhoods and their contemporary societies. Thus ascribing from this it can be argued that youth gangs have evolved leading to emergence of larger gangs. The notable emerging larger gangs are having sophisticate organization, have access to powerful and dangerous weapons and they continue to recruit young children into these gangs (Wiener 2005). Attributing to this youth gangs are considered a threat to the peaceful coexistence in the society at large. According to Howell (2005) in his research provides that the origin of youth gangs is greatly attributed to the e conomically and socially disadvantaged background. He asserts that these backgrounds have broken families and lack of community cohesiveness (Howell 2005). These youth gangs in most societies and neighborhoods are perceived by its members to fill several needs (Howell 2005). These needs range from psychological, physical, economic and social needs. It is notable that these underlying needs are associated with the failure of the family to fill the arising gaps from this. Taking into consideration these societal needs it can be asserted that gangs notable intents is focused on provision of friendship, sense of identity, searching for wealth and finally for the purpose of security (Howell 2005). Nature and organization of youth gangs According Brantingham (2006) in his publications describes how various youth gangs operates and how they co-ordinate their activities. The authors provide extensive understanding in regard to various youth gang behaviors by identifying and examining its le adership structure and its primary objectives. In this study it is notable that youth join gangs majorly for due to increasing trusting relationship within the gang family (Brantingham 2006). This is attributed to negligence as well as incompetence on the parents, clergy and teachers in performing their traditional roles of counseling and guiding the youth in the society. In the examination of youth gangs in general, it is notable that gang members have developed trusting solid relationships with their mentors who is considered the gang leader (Brantingham 2006). According to Campbell (2011) this relationship of the mentor and the mentee comes along with patience and the willingness and commitment of the mentor in pursuing of a strong relationship. It can be argued that the concept of being real comes in place which is a key attribute of any youth gang leader (Campbell 2011). This involves the gang leader relating genuine concerns on behalf of the gang members. The leader should act in accordance with the youth gang culturally appropriate manner without it being perceived by the gang members as preachy or contrived. Therefore the mentor needs not to condemn the mentee for their actions or their immorality but the real attribute ensures that the gang leader listens, understands and help the
Personal Statement Adjust(including) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Personal Statement Adjust(including) - Essay Example At that moment, it dawned on me that the most effective way to capture anyone’s attention is via proper communication. My brother had limited vocabulary and did not comprehend much verbal communication but he was able to relate with the show because it spoke his ‘language’. The various presentations of communication caught my interest and have become my passion from then on. The development of communication is a process. I know that to improve my understanding of the process, I have to get involved with different activities that would improve my communication skills. Therefore, I read numerous books, watched many TV shows and enrolled in public speaking courses. During one of my classes at Foothill College, I had my first public speaking experience in front of fifty people which was very memorable. Although I felt nervous about everything, I did my best to focus on my speech. When I saw that my audiences were paying full attention to me, I felt confident and perha ps delivered my speech well because I received a hearty applause when I finished. Going back to Sharma, he said in his book, â€Å"The Monk who sold His Ferrari†that â€Å"the tragedy of life is not death but what we let die in us while we live†. ... As a Christian, I saw it was a great chance for me to serve God by delivering His message through the character I portrayed in the play. The experience further caused a great impact on my understanding about communication and caused a stronger passion for it. Moreover, I landed the position of secretary of the college’s Environment Club. With the extensive communication the job required of me, I learned to associate with different cultures and people from all walks of life. Communication is important but it should not be limited to simply expressing one’s self. People should learn to effectively communicate to highly benefit from the process. However, there are a lot of people who are communicating but not well enough in order to truly understand each other. There are many aspects of communication that need to be researched on and I believe that it should be a continuing process. With the technological advancements, other manners of communication are constantly being di scovered therefore, there is really a need to do more studies about the subject matter. In line with this and my interests, I look forward to being trained by the University of California. Accomplishments are both challenging and fulfilling. They bring hardships that may seem to burden people through the process but the difficulties serve as the very molds that shape a person. From experience, I learned things the hard way but I treasure them because the difficulties I have been through are what made me stronger and better. When I was in high school, I was honored to be selected by the principal to lead a team participating in the 2011 Hong Kong Drama Festival. I was also an actor, director and screenwriter. When I was informed about my role, I was hesitant to
Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Research Project - Essay Example P2P is usually gathered from friends, relatives and associates or partners in business; can be transacted thru internet, and due to absence of collateral, a lot of trust is required Because of the high risk involved, this kind of financing charges high interest that is a drawback to borrowers. (Investopedia). Crowd-sourcing is becoming a popular source of funding for non profitable organizations like artists, musicians, charitable organizations and even businesses that has become possible through social media. People are persuaded to give a small donation like $5, $10, or more. Gathered together, this amount grows to a fantastic amount depending on the public’s response. Some examples are, The â€Å"Ice-bucket Challenge†that even Pres. Obama was challenged to give response; another is asking for donations in return for a reward. This scheme has become so trendy that the government has stepped in to regulate.(Entrepreneur) The basics of crowd funding) Microfinance. A banking service provided to poor entrepreneurs who have no chance to qualify for standard banking services. Microfinance gives opportunity to small business owners to borrow a small capital without collateral. Microfinance loan is usually not more than several hundred dollars, payable within six months to one year. The micro finance goal is to provide money to the low income groups to invest to a small business to get them out of poverty.(Brooks, Chad. 2013). According to Chad (2013), citing World Bank records, there are 7,000 micro financing companies that provide this service worldwide. Venture capital (VC). VC is an equity financing that answers the financing needs of an entrepreneur who is not large enough to seek capital from public market and banks. Cash investments are made in exchange for shares in the company
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Anger Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Anger Management - Essay Example Difference in cultural beliefs have been for a long time termed out as a one of the great obstacles and cause of anger in education settings. This not only refers to different cultures among the students, but also between teachers and students. Multiculturalism is not only a barrier in learning outcomes, but also a barrier in trying to maintain sound relationships among students. A multicultural environment causes misunderstanding among the students and slows down the ability of learning compared to other schools(Regoli, Hewitt &Delisi 2014, p. 34). As a result, this hinders the students the ability of learning from the teachers’ point of view. This is because in a multicultural school it is always time consuming and difficult for the students understand what they are being taught due to anger from violence arousing from misunderstanding. In addition, this results in students and teachers losing confidence as well as patience. Literature review Researches indicate that actions of teachers in a multicultural school have more impact on the achievement of the students compared to community involvement, assessment plans, and staff collegiality (Schmidt 2003, p. 67). Additionally, in a multicultural school, a large part of actions of teachers involve anger management. Anger management in multicultural schools is critically essential for middle year students because there is a possibility of them experiencing declines in self-esteem and academic decline due to anger caused by misunderstanding.
Career Counseling 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Career Counseling 3 - Essay Example ring the statistics for the state in which I intend to work as a practicing counselor – Texas – the figures are generally similar to the national average, with Texas being slightly higher in most categories: the state median for wages is $28.18, with the state average for annual counseling wages is $58, 600, and the prospective job prospects for the future within the state increasing by 31% in 2018. The videos related to the counseling profession were enlightening in a number of regards; for instance, the mental health counselor video demonstrated to great regard how the profession functions by providing real life depictions of counselors in action, it also described the requirements to become a counselor in the specific field, as well as discussing benefits and disadvantages. The Bureau of Labor statistics site information on the counseling profession was perhaps the most comprehensive of all the information supplied; I greatly appreciated the detailed discussions on t he nature of the work, the potential future employment opportunities, and the necessary qualifications for the profession. I completely agree with your assessment of the information on the designated sites. I also agree that the sites were very impressive with the extent of information they contained regarding labor statistics. For instance, the information on the employment trends, including median wages and future employment opportunities for the specific profession were very enlightening material. I also agreed with you on the significant details these sites held in regards to the state specific information; while nationwide information is relevant, to gain a true understanding of the employment environment it’s necessary to have this state specific information to gain a more realistic perspective on the actual career potential within the counseling field. Ultimately, I completely agree with your assessment of the information on the labor sites. There are a great many ways in which career
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Anger Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Anger Management - Essay Example Difference in cultural beliefs have been for a long time termed out as a one of the great obstacles and cause of anger in education settings. This not only refers to different cultures among the students, but also between teachers and students. Multiculturalism is not only a barrier in learning outcomes, but also a barrier in trying to maintain sound relationships among students. A multicultural environment causes misunderstanding among the students and slows down the ability of learning compared to other schools(Regoli, Hewitt &Delisi 2014, p. 34). As a result, this hinders the students the ability of learning from the teachers’ point of view. This is because in a multicultural school it is always time consuming and difficult for the students understand what they are being taught due to anger from violence arousing from misunderstanding. In addition, this results in students and teachers losing confidence as well as patience. Literature review Researches indicate that actions of teachers in a multicultural school have more impact on the achievement of the students compared to community involvement, assessment plans, and staff collegiality (Schmidt 2003, p. 67). Additionally, in a multicultural school, a large part of actions of teachers involve anger management. Anger management in multicultural schools is critically essential for middle year students because there is a possibility of them experiencing declines in self-esteem and academic decline due to anger caused by misunderstanding.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Assessment Criteria Essay Example for Free
Assessment Criteria Essay Tesco has given its incoming new chief executive a ‘blank sheet of paper’ to determine the company’s future. The shareholders are demanding radical change at Britain’s biggest grocer. Dave Lewis who was head of unilever’s personal care business started his new role as Chief executive with Tesco in September 2014 at a time when sales fell 4% in the three months to mid-August (Kantar World 2014). Mr Lewis has already been given the title ‘desperate Dave’ and Shore Capital (2014) believes around 5000 head office jobs could be lost. (Based on article in the Sunday Times 31. 8. 14) Requirement This assessment contains one task with two components, both of which must be completed. Your team represents a group of marketing consultants with experience of driving innovation in large organisations. You have been asked to meet Mr Lewis and senior colleagues at Head Office and suggest ways in which Tesco can respond to the disruptive innovation strategies being used by other organisations with the market. Your specific task is to; ?Identify and evaluate the disruptive strategic innovations developed by the key competitors to Tesco, such as Aldi ( but not exclusively) ?Recommend and justify a suitable response by Tesco which can be agreed by the board Time Available You have 15 minutes to make your presentation and afterwards there will be a short period following the presentation to take questions from the board. ? Your presentation and supporting documents will be assessed according to the criteria below. For your work to be assessed you must;?have mailed one copy of your presentation to ray. [emailprotected] ac. uk, or E. [emailprotected] ac. uk by 10. 00am on the morning of the presentation together with your Contribution Log and the signed confirmation of the mark allocation. ? COMPLETE ONE ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE ASSESSMENT FORM TO ACCOMPANY THE PRESENTATION BRING ALONG TWO COPIES OF THE PRESENTATION WHICH MUST BE PRINTED O? WITH FOUR SLIDES TO A PAGE AND BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE STUDENT DECLARATION FORM. Asda has introduced same-day delivery at 250 of its click-and-collect points after a trial on the London Underground. The service is available for customers who order products online before 1pm. Of the 250 collection points, 120 are ‘drive through’ units at which shoppers can receive goods directly in their cars. Asda has 300 click and collect points in total. Delivering Customer Value: Presentation Cover Sheet Module Title: Delivering Customer Value MC6050 Module Code: Year: 2014/15 Group Name: Name of Case Study Tesco- Submission Format Op? ons: Please ? ck one box and sign below. Peer assessment requires documentary evidence Equal Shares Peer Assessment No Agreement Family Name Initials ID number Signature †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â₠¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. MC 6050 Academic Year 2014-2015 GROUP REPORT: Assessment Criteria/ Feedback Student Names: Student ID: Tutor: Ray Donnelly Due Date: Assessment Criteria Weigh? n g Mark Comments The concept of disrupve innovaon is understood and clearly explained within the presentaon. 35. The presentaon iden(ed and explained the disrupve innovaons developed/being developed by the key competors. 30 Ability to link innovaon with other related concepts 10 Evidence of relevant theorecal concepts being used to support and jusfy the recommendaons. 10 Quality and ming of presentaon/ supporng materials. Ability to handle quesons. 10 Clear evidence of team work 5 Overall Comments Agreed Mark: Refer: Please note your mark remains provisional until the moderation process has been completed.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Socratess Theory of Forms
Socratess Theory of Forms Theory of Forms Introduction Knowledge about the world is developed by basing on the things we see, listen and perceive and the information about these things is dependent on the senses and our perception about them. The knowledge and the perception, about even the most common things in the world are dependent on the general concept that exists about them. The descriptions of the things are defined by their appearance. Impression and the effects they have, but, for all these some standards are defined and these standards are used to categorize the things. Socrates also made this the center of his study and in his theory about the forms, he states that the things are explained on the basis of the concepts and those concepts are abstract in nature. This paper will be about the theory of forms presented by Socrates and the allegories that he used to explain them in detail. The paper will include the summary of the theory of forms followed by the third man objection to the argument, next comes the supposed counter a rgument by Socrates of all things in the world are set of ne large poll of forms, followed by the response to the counter argument all forms being the subject of another large set or being mutually exclusive, succeeded by the fact that inexistence of infinity and finally the conclusion to the whole discussion. Socrates Theory of Forms In the famous theory of forms or idea Socrates explains that the things achieve the properties like beauty or virtue with the help of other properties like having the property of being good and being beautiful and the existence of these properties make things what they are. It is our perception and our mind that decides what is beautiful and not our senses (Pluto Republic pp. 579-582). Similarly there can be several types of the virtues and the states, in which they exist, but, there will be one common attribute to it that is virtue. We are not able to see these things, like beauty, like the way we can see the other objects (Pluto Republic 507b). Since these properties beauty and virtue cannot be seen with the eyes and they can be perceived through different means and exist in separate domain and this can be considered as forms. Since our senses can be falsified and they can have different perception and can perceive wrong things then only philosophy can give the actual solution to this problem. In terms of forms, Socrates explained that there are a varieties of objects and things in the world that are related to the same concept and if those objects are liable to that particular concept then it is the certain feature that that particular concept should be common in these objects. Based on these assumptions, these things should have that particular attribute in common and if they are related to that attribute, and then it is the part of the existence of the things. It is certain that if some objects share same attribute, then a part of that attribute may be common in them, but, it cannot exist completely in a single object. B ased on the facts we can say that if a group of objects have some attribute in common it is because of the fact that they all are liable to it, but, it cannot exist completely in one objects and this comes to the result that the particular attribute that is shared must be the abstract in nature and can’t be accessed by senses. (Baird pp. 279-282) The main feature that exists in these attributes or properties is that that they are intelligible, clear and explainable (Pluto Republic 509d ff). Another feature that these properties or forms have is that they have is that they are unchangeable and exist in the same form (Pluto Republic 484b ff). The form may vary in the objects they exist but it will remain in its original form, in its actual existence (Pluto Republic 484b ff). Forms were further explained in Parmenides and was explained and were that every object has one or the other type of the form and the form has one and only one property that itself and cannot be mixed and also do not have any other property i.e. it is pure in its existence like beauty will have no other feature than beauty in itself. Moreover, every form is unique and has oneness in it i.e. there can be no copies of the form and it is the only one that exists and defines the objects that are associated with it and the forms are self defined and self predicted (Pluto Parmenides 128e- 130a). We cannot qualify or interpret a form on the basis of contrary predicate and the beauties itself can only e defined by being beautiful in its existence and nothing else. Form is self predicted and cannot rely on any other form and nothing can exist within it (Pluto Republic 479a-c, 523). Forms are abstract in nature and on the basis of the property they have, they give that particular feature to th e things in which they exist. A thing may be beautiful at one point, but, with the passage of time, the beauty may be compromised and may not exist in the form in which, it was actually and this may change the shape off object in which form originally existed. But, the existence of form cannot be challenged and it will remain in its original state, without any change or degradation and the actual form will not be influenced and cannot be defined by other forms. Parmenides’ Third Man Objection An objection that was raised against the Socrates’ theory of forms, in particular to his claim that all the objects that are answerable to one form have that form in it and that form also has that attribute in it and is self predicted. Parmenides claimed that if F is the form then if the three objects have same feature in common or have F-ness in them then it is the terms on which we all explain and determine these objects ids the form F. property of largeness was used in this case and Parmenides claimed that if the form F also has F-ness in it then there should be another form or other level of the form say F* that can explain this Form F. in this case F will not be self predictable and will be dependent on other form F*. in the similar manner F* will have F-ness and it cannot be defined by itself and will further depend on F** ( Pluto Parmenides 132 a-b). For example if a Form is large then it should have the property of largeness in it, but, cannot be explained by the form large itself and there should be the other form say large2 that will explain this property and later large2 will be dependent on large 3 and so on and it will lead to infinity. Socrates’ Response When it is said that F has an F-ness in it, it means that the property that makes a form F, F is the F-ness. It cannot be said that it is derived from some another version of the form. If we say that someone is honest, it means that we have actually defined what a hones person actually and when we make a square or show that it has the property of being square it means that we will give the representation of that form in a manner that it will fulfill all the attributes associated with it. When the form honesty is defined, the points are associated with it that determines what actually being honest means. When it is said that form honest has the property of honesty in it, it means that this forms represents what honesty actually means. If we define three groups a, b and z and we tell that the things in group have honesty in them which actually belongs to la large group of forms F. the larger group F will have all types of forms but the distinct ones and these will be the ones that wil l help in identifying the members of group a. it means that group F is a predefined and limited group, that helps in defining other groups. It means that group F is the group of standards and is the ones that decides that which things fall into which category. This means that since forms are abstracts, so, they are also are the standards on the basis of which the things are explained and defined. Objection to Socrates’ Response It means that the set X that is the set of all the forms are the standards that are helping in categorizing and defining other objects. When a standard itself is defined then there will be some other features that will have these features. But, if we defined property F1 and make it a standard then, it means that we associate set of features to it and these features decided what actually will be the standard or form F1should be. If for defining the standard of the form we say that let us have a form F1, F1 is combination of x, y, z and when x, y and z combine together then they can define what actually F1 is. It means that my original objection related to self prediction remains true. The form F1 will lose the property of being unique and distinct in its form. Let us take honesty. Honesty is the property that has truthfulness, reliability and sincerity in it. These collectively define Honesty. This shows that honesty itself is dependent on the other three forms of truthfulness, reliab ility and sincerity. It means that we will have to later define what these three features are and this process will go on and will become infinite. It means that we will have much large set than F, that will be defining the forms that are member of F. it is also possible that the attributes that define a form are also the member of the set F and they are interlinked to each other and are dependent on each other for their existence. Argument against Parmenides’ Objection If a form F1 is dependable on F2, F3 and F4 for its existence, it means that it is not the standard itself. The entire larger concept that define the world are the ones that are self defined and are independent of the other facts and forms. If we say that set F is the subset of a much larger set X and X is itself the subset of another set Y, but this all process will end at one point or the other. When we say that something is unique, it means that it is one in its form. When we say that god is one, it means that he is the only one who can achieve such greatness and no one can be compared to it and will have the property of being the God in him. For a God we define who can be the God and who can be the one that can rule over all humanity. It means that we have defined him as the symbol or standards. But, there are properties of greatness and oneness that are defining him, which means that God’s existence is not infinite, but it order to tell about the extent of his influence p roperties of greatness and oneness are needed, which means that in order to even define the greatest one in the world, we need the properties even smaller and much lesser than it. Therefore, it holds true that all the forms are mutually exclusively and are dependent on other forms; we can say that nothing is infinite, but, it is true that forms themselves need to be defined, with the help of other forms. Conclusion We can conclude from all these discussions that the forms are not purely self predicted, although the form is a symbol for its property and distinct feature, but, it is true that in order to define a standard or form, we also need the help from the other forms, which may be much larger or much lesser in greatness or strength. Although the standards tell us about their specific feature, but, they are the part of the much larger pool and are also dependent on the other forms of its own group. Works Cited Pluto. (2011). Ancient Philosophy: Volume I, 6th edition. In Parmenides, Ancient Philosophy: Volume I, 6th edition (pp. 290-297). pearson/ Prentice Hall. Pluto. (2011). Republic. In F. E. Braid, Ancient Philosophy: Volume I, 6th edition (pp. 274-288). Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essays --
The slave narratives are a significant form of literature that stem from the experience of enslaved Africans in the United States. Male and female slave narrators wrote for the same purpose: to show that they deserved to live as free people in a free society. Frederick Douglass’ Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass: an American Slave stresses the importance of literacy and manhood to the slave male, Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave on the other hand, opens a window to the life of a slave woman and we get to see that her motivation lies mainly with ensuring the wellbeing of her family. Both narratives give details of their experiences as slaves but express different turning points in their struggle for freedom. Two different scenes from their texts illustrate how far apart they are in terms of gender and tonality and yet so similar in their escape from slavery. In Fredrick Douglass’ Narrative, Frederick describes one of the major turning points in his life, which is his fight against Covey. In chapter ten of the Narrative, Douglass describes a scene when he returns to Covey’s on a Sunday morning with a root in hand. Covey speaks kindly to Douglass and Douglass begins to think that the root’s magical powers have worked. But on the following morning, Covey finds Douglass in the stable and tries to tie his legs but Douglass suddenly decides to fight back. He grabs Covey by the throat in order to keep Covey from whipping him. Covey is frightened and shocked and calls for other slaves to grab a hold of Douglass but they are unable to since Douglass unshakable. Douglass explains to Covey that he will not stand being treated like an animal any longer and the two men fight for two hours. Covey brags afterward that he... ... dresses and prepares to help fight the fire because she is would have been expected to do so as a slave. Both authors feel unaccustomed to their liberation but nevertheless they welcome a free life with open arms. Both Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs endure great difficulties at major turning points of their lives. Douglass chooses to physically stand up to his slave master while Harriet escapes her master’s plantation to save her children. The turning points in their Narratives portray the similarities of the fight for freedom but they differ in the actions they take in their given situation. Thes4 turning points help define the kind of tone each author sets for their reader. Although, both autobiographies are written to show the battle between freedom and slavery, the authors produce different works, which embody the different gender role played by each.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
During the late sixties, the Federal Republic of Germany was experiencing social upheavals during the late sixties which resulted in several student protest groups. The origins of these protests resulted from the maturation of the newer generation of Germans who did not live through World War II. A new generation of radical students, influenced by their own version Marxism, desired to dispel the hypocrisy of West Germany. (Judt, 469) They wanted to unveil the fascist nature of their government, which was hiding under the guise of a parliamentary democracy. The students were hoping that their civil disobedience would disrupt the infrastructure of West Germany. (Judt, 469) The students found their own self-identity, and they started to embrace various social issues such as race and gender equality, anti-imperialism, and several other leftwing movements. Furthermore, the historical legacy of Nazism was the driving impetus that divided the older and younger generations. The students viewed both their parents and government with increasing skepticism. The younger Germans felt that there were still elements of fascism and Nazism in the various institutions of the state. Moreover, this generation started to associate West Germany and America with fascism. Various events such as the war in Vietnam, America’s influence on West Germany, and the West German Government’s support of various autocracies, triggered several protests from the student body of Germany. These protests were met with brute force from the German State that resulted in various cases of police brutality. In the film, The Baader Meinhof Complex, the arrival of the Shah resulted in a conflict between the police and the protesters; and this incident resulted in the death of ... ... fear mongering were very similar to the tyrannical groups that they were opposing. The film delves into the psychology of the Baader Meinhof group by examining the relationships that each key member had with one another. At the outset the group held strong ties amongst one another. Nevertheless, the ties between them become more strained as the group carries out these acts and their leaders are imprisoned. The hysteria brought about by the arrests of key leaders of the group triggered a violent reaction from the RAF that led to more bank robberies, assassinations, bomb attacks, and taking more hostages. The film portrays the humanity of these terrorists. Their crimes are deplorable and their mission was primarily based upon terror not idealism. The film provides hones in on the brutal nature of the crimes as well as the relationships between the members of the RAF.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Religious Worldviews
Part One: Hindu Worldview (Pantheistic) 1. The Question of Origin – In a Hindu Worldview the question of origin would be pantheistic in nature. A Hindu would believe that they have always been in existence and everything is a part of god. God is seen as an impersonal force of nature and this force is in everything and surrounds everything. One can only escape this force through the process of reincarnation and to become one with everything. 2. The Question of Identity – In a Hindu Worldview life is seen as a sacred part of nature. Man’s soul is seen as eternal until he eventually reaches a state of Nirvana. At that time they will become one with Brahman. The goal is to do enough good deeds so that when you die you will return in a higher life form until you reach Nirvana. 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – In a Hindu Worldview life is to be viewed as an illusion as though one was living in a dream and life around them does not really exist. The goal is to understand this so that you may end the cycle of reincarnation and ascend to a state of Nirvana. 4. The Question of Morality – In a Hindu Worldview god is in everything and everything is in god. This belief will govern how man treats everything and everyone around them. It is ultimately one’s own decision to determine what is right and what is wrong. 5. The Question of Destiny – In a Hindu Worldview one would believe that one’s karma determines how you will return in the next life. If a person has good Karma they will reach a higher level upon rebirth. If one has bad Karma they will return to a lower level, or as an animal upon rebirth. The goal is to reach Nirvana. Part Two: Christian Worldview (Theistic) . The Question of Origin – A Christian believes that God exists and that God always has been and always will be. With this presupposition a Christian believes that he was created by God and that everything that exists was created by God. Whereas a Hindu believes that everything has always existed and is a part of god. 2. The Question of Identity – A Christian believes that because he was created by a Sovereign God he is a special creation of God. God created humans only lower than angels and in His image. God placed the responsibility of caring for His creation in the hands of humans. Hindus believe they are a part of everything in nature and the goal is to become one with Brahman. 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – A Christian believes that their purpose is to know God. A Christian is to have a meaningful relationship with the one true God. A Hindu believes that their purpose is to end the cycle of reincarnation and reach a state of Nirvana. 4. The Question of Morality – A Christian believes that the guide for moral living is the Bible. Right and wrong are based upon God’s holy standard and not on man’s own perspective. A Hindu believes that they govern what is right and wrong. 5. The Question of Destiny – A Christian believes that by accepting or not accepting Jesus Christ as their savor determines where one will spend life after death. By accepting Jesus Christ as ones savior they will spend eternity in Heaven where they will be in the presence of God forever. If one denies Jesus Christ they will spend eternity in hell forever separated from God. A Hindu believes in reincarnation and Karma. Good or bad karma will determine in what form they will return upon rebirth. The goal is to reach Nirvana.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
International relations/political science Essay
Global Terrorism In the September 11, 2001 attack, commonly known as 9/11, is made up of series of suicide attacks wherein hijackers or terrorists hijacked four commercial airlines. An airline was used to damage, if not totally destroy Pentagon, another was crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The remaining two airplanes were crashed directly at the World Trade Center. Great infrastructures were damaged and a lot of losses were incurred, not only material things but the lives of thousand individuals. As such, this event had raised the spirits of so many people in combating terrorist attacks. Indeed, there is a wide spread determination to end the terror everywhere, but this does not mean that success would be fully attained. It had inspired people to do something against the terrorists, and it’s a good thing. The government, the military and even civilians wanted to eliminate terrorists. But as a consequence, the chances of committing errors or fallacies also increase. Some people resort to drastic or rushed measures of combating the terror without sufficient data or evidences leading to wrong moves or mistaken identities. Suspicion also increases within communities, and in the end, instead of reducing terror today, it just only increases it by spreading fear amongst people. Financial support coming from a lot of sources definitely helps in funding attacks, manpower and weaponries. As they say, money can talk. If an terrorists organization has a lot of financial sources that they could use, then it would be really easy for them to collect data, weapons and other tools for battle, therefore increasing their chance of spreading bigger attacks. As such, cutting off their financial sources would greatly disrupt their activities. Their mobility and rate or number of attacks would be decreased, if not totally lost. But this is not the only thing that should be considered. Aside from the financial sources, terrorists groups have their own principles and beliefs. This powers them, aside from money. Take for example a suicide attack. Even if a lot of money is given to these terrorists conducting such attacks, if they don’t have the will or spirit to do it, they won’t do it for money; money which they can’t really use afterwards. Also, if a terrorist is greatly motivated to attack, suicide attempts would have higher chances to be conducted even if funded poorly. The concentric circles of the global Jihadist Movement are really noteworthy. It gives a solid proof or blueprint of the perspective organizations within and outside their Movement. This may not be able to tell which specific people to catch or hunt but it gives an idea of how their organization works. Learning these things or information would greatly help in formulating or creating tactics or methods on how to defeat them. In parallel to fishing, it is best to catch the small fish first before the big one. In addition to this, catching a fish requires not only skills and equipment but also the knowledge on the behavior of what you are going to catch. The Concentric Circles of the Global Jihadist Movement gives a description of that blueprint which is very crucial in dealing with these organizations. Generally, the descriptions and the â€Å"blueprint†itself is basic or simple, but still a noteworthy information to obtain or understand. The files which were collected regarding the Al-Qaeda show or give an information or proof that their organization is indeed well-organized and well planned. Upon reading the contents, a terrorist member, feeling the same sympathies and situation like the people who made such documents, would be greatly moved and motivated to act against the government and participate in terrorists attacks or movements. Furthermore, it empowers their minds that violence is not a wrong deed or action. It gives them the support that they need to battle their conscience in doing what is morally good or right. For them, terrorists attacks or the actions which they plan to do is the right one and the one that would benefit most people, even if they had to risk their lives. It rests on the power, hope and faith that they have for their god therefore giving them the idea that they are divine warriors who cannot be stopped. They strongly believe that what they are doing is right and in the name of their god. Information Revolution vis a vis Sovereignty, International System and Global Governance Information revolution greatly increases the feeling of one, group of people especially a state’s sovereignty. If one state understands and knows what it is dealing with, then it gives him a higher chance to perform or implement preemptive measures or actions. If overdone, it could give too much feeling of sovereignty which when shattered, could lead to fear, panic or disastrous consequences. Though somehow, it would strengthen the state. As such, the international system of states and global governance would be stricter. It would enforce more power and rule over the laws. As such, new laws and set of regulations would be formulated. Policies would also be enhanced to deal even with the simplest to the most complex situations as based on the information retrieved. Counter intelligence could be considered as a powerful weapon in the information revolution. Civilian education for military officers and leaders is very crucial and is necessary for it enhances their capabilities and education when it comes to leading their subordinates. Civilian education also gives them more educational opportunities all the way through their careers and service for their countries. Competent and confident leaders can be attained through civilian education and these leaders have more capabilities in decision-making and in handling problems or emergencies. Agile leaders with improved instincts and improved knowledge on tactics and technicalities could also be achieved through civilian education. Civilian leaders with military education or experience have the best field in a battle or advantage against the enemy, but his ability to lead should also be considered. Military books and courses may indeed teach a lot of principles, basics and techniques on how to be great leaders, but experience hones better leaders who can react immediately on different situations and would have better chances of making good decisions. References International Terrorism: The Concentric Circles of the Global Jihadist Movement (Publication. Retrieved December 21, 2007: Progress in the War on Terrorist Financing (Publication. (September 11, 2003). Retrieved December 21, 2007: (Publication. (The Al-Qaeda Manual). Retrieved December 21, 2007.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Imprisonment in Frankenstein
In Mary Shelley's gothic novel Frankenstein and Charlotte Gilman's short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†imprisonment is a reoccurring theme. The main characters in both stories seek to break free of the confinements imposed upon them by hierarchical societies. These strictly stratified societies prosecute the characters;who respond with immediate action in order to achieve that freedom which their societies have purged from them.Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein's monster, and John's wife all suffer the indignities of both literal and metaphorical imprisonment founded on racism, classism, and sexism. In â€Å"Frankenstein,†Victor endures several types of imprisonment. His workshop is much like a prison cell, in that he stays in the room for months at a time and leaves only for brief stretches. Victor admits that, â€Å"My cheek had grown pale with study, and my person had become emaciated with confinement†(Shelly 32). Victor is literally imprisoned by the a uthorities for the murder of his best friend, Henry Clerval.He is metaphorically imprisoned by his inability to protect his loved ones, including his future wife, from his monster. He reveals the dread created by his powerlessness when he says, â€Å"And then I thought again of his words- I will be with you on your wedding-night†(Shelly 117). Victor’s fear of social ostracism, which would be the likely outcome if anyone of his class were to discover that he had created the repulsive monster that had killed so many innocent people, also impairs his actions.It is only after he decides to hunt down the monster and vanquish him in order to ease his conscience that Victor breaks free from the prison that his fears create for him. Although Victor dies before avenging his loved ones, his death is what ultimately releases him from this prison. Frankenstein's monster also suffers both literal and metaphoric imprisonment. Because his hideous appearance prevents him from develop ing relationships with humans, he is a prisoner in his own body. The monster’s accidental killing of a boy in the woods is an example his inability to have even the most basic social experiences.The monster is also sentenced to something like solitary confinement by the De Laceys. Although he spends months learning how to speak and read so that others will think him civilized, the De Laceys chase him away when he finally approaches them. Felix tackles the monster who remorsefully states â€Å"I could have been torn limb from limb†(Shelly 91), this shows how unwilling the De Laceys are to compromise. The monster is wronged in the same way that the victims of racism are wronged: namely, he is rejected for his outwardly appearance.Even though the monster is the only one of it's race, he is prosecuted by a hierarchical society who doesn't judge based on character. Frankenstein's monster tries to win his freedom from isolation by asking his creator, Victor, to construct a female monster for him. The monster pleads, â€Å"You must create a female for me, with whom I can live in the interchange of the sympathies necessary for my being†(Shelly 98). The monster believes that having a companion would give him a reason to live, however Victor denies his monster of this request. We see in Anne K.Mellor's â€Å"Processing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein†, â€Å"By stealing the female's control over reproduction, Frankenstein has eliminated the female's primary biological function and source of cultural power†(Mellor 274). This further more states that Victor has created the perfect patriarchal society, in which the creation of humanity no longer needs the service of women. The woman in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†also experiences several different types of imprisonment. The woman's husband, John, treats her like a prisoner in her own home because of her postpartum depression.She feels that she has very little freedom of though t or action because John dictates the course of her life as though he were a prison guard. She has internalized her husband’s authority to the point she hears John's voice in her head. The narrator states, â€Å"I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus-but John says the very worst thing I can do is think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad. So I will let it alone and talk about the house†(Gilman 2).The narrator starts to keep a secret journal because of this captivity, this writing is the only emotional stimulus the woman can forgo to express herself freely. She says, â€Å"I must not let them find me writing†(Gilman 3). In a metaphorical sense, the woman finds herself trapped by her condition and the patriarchal society in which she lives. Both prevent her from asserting her independence as a women. In a physical sense, she finds herself confined to a room of John’s choosing. All she can do is obsess over the wallpaper. The narrator says, â€Å"I am getting really fond of the room in spite of the wallpaper.Perhaps because of the wallpaper†(Gilman 7). Eventually, when she sees the creeping women in the wallpaper,the narrator gains a measure of freedom when she tears it all down, thus freeing her mind as well as the imprisoned women, fusing into one. The narrator rejoices that, â€Å"I've got out at last†(Gilman 10). She goes insane at the cost of winning her freedom from John and a sexist society. The main characters in both stories undergo a major transformation. They all start as prisoners of sorts, but they all eventually break free when they confront the powers that imprison them.This proves evident with some truths about humanity, about the prisons that we construct for ourselves and the prisons that our societies constructs for us. Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein's monster, and John's wife all suffer from hierarchical societies wh ich reject the characters, who attempt to gain their freedom which have been denied to them.Works Cited Gilman, Charlotte. The Yellow Wallpaper. Boston, Ma: Small & Maynard, 1899. Web. 2 Oct. 2010. . Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York, NY: W. W. Norton &, 1996. Print.
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