Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Future of Policing - 1461 Words
The Future of Policing Christina Johnson CJS/210 September 14, 2014 Ronald Rucker University of Phoenix Policing in the United States has changed dramatically since it was first brought to the thirteen colonies from England. However, some of the issues faced then are being faced in policing today. There are also new trends that are prevalent, and these trends will continue to have lasting effects on the future of policing. Even though new trends improve policing overall, they can also cause more serious issues. It is crucial to continue making changes topolicing because it allows law enforcement officers to keep up with the rest of society, including the knowledge of new crime trends. This paper will†¦show more content†¦Stress can cause officers to develop depression, and it can cause them to have problems at home and work. As a result, officers are two times more likely to commit suicide than civilians are (Grant Terry, 2008). With that being said, there needs to be more avenues for help out there for officers to be more successful in managing their stress. Help could come in the form of better training for new recruits regarding stress and better counseling services for current police officers. Stress will continue to be an issue within law enforcement, and it will only get worse in the future of policing. That is why it is important to develop measures now to help officers manage their stress levels instead of waiting. It is a known problem now, so why not develop a plan to combat it? Moving along, one of the biggest issues and trends facing law enforcement today and in the future is the use of technology. Today, police organizations have access to a wide range of technological tools, and they are continually advancing and improving. Some of these include records management systems, computer-aided dispatch, GPS technology, license plate readers, biometrics (facial recognition software, for example), crime mapping via geographical information systems, and less-than-lethal weapons (Tasers, beanbag rounds, tear gas,Show MoreRelatedFuture of Policing153 8 Words  | 7 PagesThe future of policing is fairly clear in what direction it is heading. It has been slowly reforming to meet the needs of the people, reduce crime, and make policing more efficient. Some of the reforms that will probably take place in the future include, better educated police officers and police managers, consolidation of police departments to save on money and resources, upgraded technology, race and gender equality, better testing techniques to recruit and promote within the department, andRead MoreFuture of Policing1391 Words  | 6 PagesFuture of Policing University of Phoenix CJS/210 4/27/2013 The field of police work is constantly being forced to develop and improve its protocols, procedures, and practices in an effort to keep pace with the ever-changing society in which it operates and criminal behavior it seeks to eradicate. While the history of policing has been marked by substantial changes throughout time, the work of modern-day police officers and officials demonstrate some of the most substantial adaptationsRead MoreFuture Policing1381 Words  | 6 PagesFuture of Policing University of Phoenix CJS/210 4/27/2013 The field of police work is constantly being forced to develop and improve its protocols, procedures, and practices in an effort to keep pace with the ever-changing society in which it operates and criminal behavior it seeks to eradicate. While the history of policing has been marked by substantial changes throughout time, the work of modern-day police officers and officials demonstrate some of the most substantial adaptationsRead MoreThe Future of Policing1568 Words  | 6 PagesThe Future of Policing Introduction Throughout the course of history, the defense of nations has been one of the most significant and beneficial foundations of the world in which we live today. 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Some of the reforms that will probably take place in the future include, better educated police officers and police managers, consolidation of police departments to save on money and resources, upgraded technology, race and gender equality, better testing techniques to recruit and promoteRead Morefuture of policing proposal1169 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Future of Policing Proposal Team B CJA 214 May 11, 2014 University of Phoenix Future of Policing Proposal Policing is not just keeping the peace in today’s society. Police officers have several responsibilities and also new technology to learn. New technology helps law enforcement preform a better job in communication, crime solving, decreasing crime and making communities a better place to live for citizens and their families. 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However I believe that there are three important roles that would be more appropriate for the future of policing. These roles are â€Å"handling†all situations that arise, use of force, and use of discretion. â€Å"Handling†all situations that arise The role of â€Å"handling†all situations that arise is directlyRead MoreCommunity Policing Is A Fast Growing Necessity For The Future1052 Words  | 5 PagesCommunity Policing Introduction Although policing has been around for many decades, law enforcement roles have not changed too significantly. Media, such as television shows and movies, portray law enforcement officers as fearless crime fighters who are in daily high speed chases and shoot outs. While these crimes may be possible, it is not likely on a daily basis. So, just what do police officers respond too then? 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
What s Your Privacy Worth You - 812 Words
What’s Your Privacy Worth to You? Maeson Hayes Mrs. Marlow English 2A 12/17/16 Recent scandals involving the NSA and reports about the government’s use of surveillance technology have called the current ethics of maintaining public security into question. These events have caused us to ask what our privacy is worth in an age of global terrorism. Orwell’s warning that totalitarian regimes’ reliance on surveillance and the invasion of privacy to restrict individual freedom and endanger citizens is still relevant today. Although the invasion of privacy is sometimes necessary to ensure the security of citizens, it may cause people to question the legitimacy of their government’s programs surrounding surveillance. The NSA was put in place to protect the American citizens in 1954; however it took advantage of Americans by violating their privacy, just as Big Brother used surveillance to monitor the citizens of Oceania. In society today as compared to Orwell’s world, there are many places one can go to seemingly enjoy personal privacy. The irony is that although quiet and isolated places may seem private, electronic surveillance during today’s device driven world ensures that there is actually almost no privacy anywhere. For example Andy Greenberg, author of Forbes magazine argues that the NSA’s surveillance of Verizon’s phones is a privacy violation. NSA had ordered that innocent Verizon costermers had their phones wirelessly tapping and listening to their conversations toShow MoreRelatedChanging Demographics And Its Impact On The Health Care Markets1735 Words  | 7 Pagesnormally funded by the government and having this trend, the working population decreases so the taxes that is normally use to fund the health care sector is also affected. Also, because of the government aggressiveness to promote healthy lifestyle, Kiwi s life expectancy lengthen too (Life Expectancy). This only means that most of the old people live longer and the government are know obliged to support them. All in all, aging population will have a huge impact to the health care sector. B. Urban/RuralRead MorePrivacy, The State Of Being Away From Public Attention1614 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout time, privacy and security have been two heavily debated topics. There has always been a struggle to find middle ground between a private environment and a secure environment, but the dawn of technology and the Internet has made this struggle even more difficult. The Internet has drastically decreased the expectation of privacy of any and all individuals that have ever used it. Technology in general can pose a threat to an individual’s physical and virtual security. The Internet has alsoRead MoreA Brief Note On The Aviation And Transportation Security Act1125 Words  | 5 Pages4/6/2016 Quiz #1 Info. Privacy Business Travel Many people take advantage of air travel, whether it be for business or for travel but post September 11, there have been many issues with privacy in regards to the tightening of security. To fix this problem airport security has started to use full body scanners, searching bags, screening and many other things to tighten security. After 9/11. The Aviation and Transportation Security Act was passed, allowing certain privacy laws to be overlooked. WithRead MoreNsa Should Be Stopped. Nsa1177 Words  | 5 Pagessuspicious activities. The problem is that many feel as if the NSA has no right to evade their privacy. The NSA should be penalize every time they do so, or should have some type of warrant, but only for last resort, or stopped completely. There are many other ways to go about finding troublesome threats like antagonist programs like CDT as I mentioned earlier. Having your privacy tampered with isn’t worth it. The NSA is not needed that bad. â€Å"After years of denial, much of which likely constitutedRead MoreInfa 610 Final Exam Solutions1377 Words  | 6 PagesSolutions INFA 610 Final Exam Solutions Part 1: Short discussion, determine if each of the following questions is true or false and defend your position in a brief discussion if you think it is necessary. Write your answer, T or F, to each question in the following Answer Table. (10 questions at 1.5 points each, 15 points totally) 1. Deleting the browsing history and cookies in a computer system can be the way to completelyRead More Internet Shopping Essay1446 Words  | 6 Pagesexperience of shopping? is lost, it is open to fraud and the ?try before you buy? concept does not occur. From this information, it could be stated, ?The promise of Internet shopping is drowning in a flood of deceit, customer dissatisfaction, fraud and misappropriation. The Internet is best known for being a information superhighway, not a superhighway to the shopping mall.? Shopping from the convenience and comfort of your own home may have its apparent advantages; no more standing in line, noRead MoreIs Data Mining Violating Our Privacy And Rights? Why Are Companies Still Collecting Our Personal Information?1431 Words  | 6 PagesImagine, that you come back from a hard day’s work. You put on your favorite grey sweats with a cozy sweater. Soon after, you get a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Then you lean back on the sofa, turn on the television and change the channel to the local news. Breaking news with bright red letters are plastered across the screen. The news anchor goes on explaining that an employee at the local hospital accidentally donated data of patients. This means that patient’s social security numbersRead MoreChildhood Testing For Late Onset Genetic Diseases1634 Words  | 7 Pagesare both advantages and disadvantages to having children tested in order to assess their carrier status. She articulates that when working with a disease like Huntington’s Disease, which is dominant so you only need to be carrying one copy of the gene in order to be affected, the cons of knowing your fate far outweigh the pros. Presymptomatic testing leads to a spiral of possible â€Å"over-testing†, depression, difficulty obtaining health care, and even â€Å"survivor guilt†for those who do not carry the diseaseRead MoreInternet Shopping - Good or Bad?1598 Words  | 7 PagescenterbShopping on the Internet is increasing but would you do business this way?/b/center br brThe Internet?s popularity has dramatically escalated over the past few years and has become an integral part of daily life. It has wide spread uses ranging from, obtaining information, downloading files, business advertisement to Internet commerce, which plays a major part in Internet practice. Our social structure is pressuring society to connect to the Internet, with schools world wide becomingRead MoreAdoptees Have The Right Of Original Birth Certificates1086 Words  | 5 Pagesparents are., bBut, there are laws preventing her from doing so. The big question in this essay is, â€Å"Should adoptees have the right to know who their biological parents are,†You could also phrase it asking the question, â€Å"Do adoptees have the right to access original birth certificates?†This question covers much more, and will be what the information in this essay circles around. This essay covers three things: adoptees have the right to access to original birth certificates be cause they have questions
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History of Accounting Free Essays
Accounting has a history that is usually discussed in terms of one seminal event- the invention and dissemination of the double entry bookkeeping processes. Paul Garner and Atsuo Tsuji (1995) report that the first printed treatise of bookkeeping in the world is the Summa de Arithemetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita written by Luca Pacioli. The treatise was published in Venice in 1494, and was reprinted at Toscolano in 1523. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Accounting or any similar topic only for you Order Now This work is one of the most important books on mathematics and has had an enormous impact on the field of accounting ever since. The Treatise 11 of Section 9 of this book – that is, â€Å"particulars de Coputis et Scripturis,†is a treatise about double entry bookkeeping. The system of bookkeeping that Luca Pacioli described first introduced the practice and theory that had developed in commercial cities in Italy, particularly in Venice. Pacioli wrote in the first chapter of his treatise, â€Å"We will here adopt the method employed in Venice which among others is certainly to be recommended, for with it one can carry with any other method†. Pacioli was born in Borgo San Sepolcro, lived in Venice and became the tutor of the three sons of a rich merchant, Antonio de Rompiasi. It seems that he could have had the chance to see the account books of the Venetian merchants and to study the method of double entry bookkeeping in Venice. The bookkeeping system that Luca Pacioli has several distinct characteristics: 1. Pacioli wrote that there are three things needed by one who wished to carry on business diligently. The most important of these is cash or any other substantial power. The second is a good accountant and a sharp bookkeeper. The third is good order in order to arrange all business to debit and credit. 2. Pacioli explained the opening inventory, but he did not describe the closing inventory. 3. Pacioli’s account book system is three account books- that is, a day book. The day book is the first book, the journal is the second book and the ledger is the third book. Pacioli thought of the day book as the formal account book, because he wrote that the day book must be presented to a certain mercantile office. 4. All things pertaining to a transaction must be written in the day book, without omission. Pacioli wrote that no point must be omitted in the day book. 5. Pacioli described debit and credit- that is, â€Å"per†and â€Å"A†in the journal, and â€Å"die have re†in the ledger. However, any view of accounting history that begins with Luca Pacioli’s contributions will overlook a long evolution of accounting systems in ancient and medieval times. In attempting to explain why double entry bookkeeping developed in 15th century Italy instead of ancient Greece or Rome, accounting scholar A. C. Littleton describes seven â€Å"key ingredients†which led to its creation. -Private Property: The power to change ownership, because bookkeeping is concerned with recording the facts about property rights. -Capital: Wealth productively employed, because otherwise commerce would be trivial and credit would not exist. -Commerce: The interchange of goods on a widespread level, because purely local trading in small volume would not create the sort of press of business needed to spur the creation of an organized system to replace the existing hodgepodge of record-keeping. -Credit: The present use of future goods, because there would have been little impetus to record transactions completed on the spot. – Writing: A mechanism for making a permanent record in a common language, given the limits of human memory. – Money: The â€Å"common denominator†for exchange, since there is no need for bookkeeping except as it reduces transactions to a set of monetary values. – Arithmetic: A method of computing the monetary details of the deal. Many of these factors did not exist in ancient times, but, until the Middle Ages, they were not found together in a form and strength necessary to push man to the innovation of double entry. Writing, for example, is as old as civilization itself, but arithmetic- the systematic manipulation of number symbols- was really not a tool possessed by the ancients. Rather, the persistent use of Roman numerals for financial transactions long after the introduction of Arabic numeration appears to have constrained the earlier creation of double-entry systems. How to cite History of Accounting, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Educational Concerns Case
Questions: 1.What Should She Do? 2.With Whom Should She Discuss The Issue, If Any ? 3.Is There A Designated Person At Your Institution To Deal With Such Issues? Answers: 1I would like to suggest that she should not allow that research to be published in its current state until when real data is found to undo the analysis. .should face her advisor fessed up as a means to stop the publication of the fake data because honestly is the only way forward as far as this case is concerned, since she hopes that it will be a Ph.D. dissertation. Of course her advisor will be pretty angry at first but since she hopes it will be her Ph.D. dissertation research he might sympathize. It will be very uncomfortable at first, but in the end things will probably work out. The alternatives to be found out at some point for a dishonest publication. It is illegal or rather risky for anyone to weasel his /her way out of academic fraud (simonsohn,2013). The best way out is to practice the ethical thing. She can also consider to change her username and profile picture to avoid considerable splash damage when he goes down. Anonymity is your friend here due to the issue at hand or else back off. Also his bad reputation is going to stain your career and it will be at risk. Since she has controvertible evidence of his fabricated data, it is more than enough to ascertain his academic dishonesty. If she can afford to report, then she should do it because he is robbing legitimate researchers of their funding and he will make people lose their money and time. 2.I suggest that she should contact, they run a well-known blog that deals with academic and scientific fraud. 3.Yes. Their core value is to ensure integrity and honesty in the institutional publications. References Simonsohn, U. (2013). Just post it: The lesson from two cases of fabricated data detected by statistics alone. Psychological science, 24(10), 1875-1888. Hill, T. P. (1996). A note on distributions of true versus fabricated data. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83(3), 776-778.
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