Wednesday, May 13, 2020
What s Your Privacy Worth You - 812 Words
What’s Your Privacy Worth to You? Maeson Hayes Mrs. Marlow English 2A 12/17/16 Recent scandals involving the NSA and reports about the government’s use of surveillance technology have called the current ethics of maintaining public security into question. These events have caused us to ask what our privacy is worth in an age of global terrorism. Orwell’s warning that totalitarian regimes’ reliance on surveillance and the invasion of privacy to restrict individual freedom and endanger citizens is still relevant today. Although the invasion of privacy is sometimes necessary to ensure the security of citizens, it may cause people to question the legitimacy of their government’s programs surrounding surveillance. The NSA was put in place to protect the American citizens in 1954; however it took advantage of Americans by violating their privacy, just as Big Brother used surveillance to monitor the citizens of Oceania. In society today as compared to Orwell’s world, there are many places one can go to seemingly enjoy personal privacy. The irony is that although quiet and isolated places may seem private, electronic surveillance during today’s device driven world ensures that there is actually almost no privacy anywhere. For example Andy Greenberg, author of Forbes magazine argues that the NSA’s surveillance of Verizon’s phones is a privacy violation. NSA had ordered that innocent Verizon costermers had their phones wirelessly tapping and listening to their conversations toShow MoreRelatedChanging Demographics And Its Impact On The Health Care Markets1735 Words  | 7 Pagesnormally funded by the government and having this trend, the working population decreases so the taxes that is normally use to fund the health care sector is also affected. Also, because of the government aggressiveness to promote healthy lifestyle, Kiwi s life expectancy lengthen too (Life Expectancy). 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